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                I sit down at the breakfast table first, Annabeth ran to her room for new clothes to avoid suspicion. Mr. D sits next to me and sloppily plops food onto his plate. Aphrodite comes in and walks past Mr. D and plugs her nose, she pulls out small bottle and sprays an X over his back, the room overwhelmingly with a sweet fragrance. Annabeth walks in and sits across from me, slightly blushing and looking nervously around the table..

"oh for..." Mr. D mumbles something under his breath. "Why don't we create a story of Peter Johnsen here, and Annabeth becoming lovers." He sighs waving his hands. Aphrodite sits and thinks for a few moments.

"That's a splendid idea!" she squeaks standing up. "I'll go make up a story line, oh how exiting!" she claps her hands quickly and rushes out.

Mr. Ds for clanks against his plate. "There... now you can be out in the open, instead of being painfully obvious." He rolls his eyes.

"I...I thought you were too drunk to-"

"Its..." he checks his watch. "I've lost my watch... but even I know its to early to drink." He scoffs and stuffs his mouth.

"So... you knew what we were doing?" I ask him.

"Peter... I may be a drunk, but I am not stupid." He pulls out a flask and takes a swig.

"I thought you said it was to early." Annabeth said.

"Its later now." he rolls his eyes.

"And my name is Percy." I chime in.

"Whatever, parker." He takes another swig.

"When are you gonna teach us about the games?" Annabeth asks him.

"When we get on the train." He sighs.

"When's that?" I ask.

Mr. D sighs deeply standing up. "Today... now you two are annoying me and I'm going to my room to drink the memory of you two away." He waves his hand lazily and walks out. Annabeth looks at me.

"At least we don't have to hide it anymore." She smiles reaching for my hand on the table.

"Yeah... you were terrible." I smile taking her hand.

"I'm totally killing you first Peter Johnson!" she throws some scrambled eggs at me. they splat against my face.

"Miss Chase, you may have taken my heart... but I will be the one taking your life." I smirk and she stops and blushes, while she stands stunned I grab a handful of yogurt and I smear it on her face, she gasps and pours orange juice over my head. Soon food is flying all over the room, splattering and plopping over us. She tackles me and takes me to the ground, she pins me to the floor when the door opens.

"Oh my..."

We look over and see Aphrodite standing there shocked by the breakfast warzone. 

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