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The first day of training started like any other day since the day of the reaping. I woke up with Annabeth next to me in bed, we took a shower together and ate breakfast.

"Alrighty! Take this elevator and it will take you to the training room." Aphrodite says all to peppy.

Annabeth and I wait for the door to open, and with a ding the doors slide open. Two tributes stand in the back of the elevator. A boy, Black messy hair pale skin, kinda like a ghost. A girl next to him, taller and more built, Brown hair and tan skin.

"Hey... I'm Percy, and this is my sister Annabeth." I give Annabeth a quick kiss on the lips. The girls face shocked, the boys seems like he couldn't care any less.

"I am not his sister!" Annabeth says flustered and babbling. The girl in the elevator laughs and the boys just stands there.

"I'm Bianca..." She nudges the boy next to her. "And this is my brother Nico." He gives a lazy wave. "Are you going down to the training room to?" She asks.

"Yep." I replied and push Annabeth in, still red and flustered.

"I am not his sister..." Annabeth repeats.

The doors close and the elevator goes down. Annabeth grabs my hand and looks nervously at the floor.

"What's wrong Beth?" I ask whispering in her ear.

"I don't have any fighting skills..." She replies in a hush.

"Don't worry, I'll I'm sure you have a skill, we'll just have to beat it out of you." I smile whispering in her ear.

"How do we do that?" she asks.

"Just try everything in the room." I reply

" I don't know Percy... Every tribute will know I'm weak." She drops her head as she clenched my hand.

"Annabeth, I think you should take it easy until the evaluation, you don't want to intimidate everyone day one." I say just loud enough for the other two to hear. She looks up at me and fights a smile.

The elevator opens, a huge room with tons of different stations for different skills. All the other tributes scattered around the room trying the stations.

The siblings exit out of the elevator first and Annabeth's hand tightens around mine. I pull her to an empty station.

"Ok Beth, this station is to show and test the difference between edible plants and poisonous plants. Easy peasies." I smile still holding her hand. She nods and goes to the table, a large screen on the table with pictures of different plants and berries. She starts the test and doesn't miss a single one, all correct. "See babe, you are amazing!" I smile and huge her.

"Why don't you leave this looser and come join me, babe." A tall blonde-haired guy stands behind us, a scar from his jaw to his eye. "I'm Luke."

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