☁🌻Fluffy Camilo and Carlos Hc's🥀☁

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☁🌻Fluffy Camilo and Carlos Hc's🥀☁
🌻☁= Camilo
🥀☁= Carlos
🌻🥀= Both
(Some take place in present day // Bonus at the end! <33)
Requested by: camilo-and-carlos-HC

-Camilo and Carlos sometimes run around Casita when no one's home playing tag🌻🥀

-Carlos has a wall full of bookshelves filled to the brim with books bc he stays in his room a lot🥀☁

-Camilo sits in Carlos' room sometimes and they read books together🌻🥀

-Camilo and Carlos take turns cuddling with you when you're sad or having a bad day🌻🥀

-Camilo draws on himself with markers or pens when he's bored🌻☁

-At school, Camilo and Carlos requested your locker be between theirs specifically🌻🥀

-Carlos has a pillow that he cuddles every night to go to sleep or he'll use a teddy bear (unless you're there)🥀☁

-Carlos calls Camilo: Camilo (ofc), estúpido, hermano, rayo de sol, Ladrón de libros, torpe, and girasol (all of them have a specific meaning behind them)🌻🥀

-Camilo calls Carlos: Carlos (ofc), emo, ratón de biblioteca, burro, cabeza de mierda, rosa marchita, luz de la luna (all have a meaning behind them)🌻🥀

-Camilo makes friendship bracelets and keychains out of loom bands🌻☁

-Carlos has a Polaroid camera and takes lots of pictures, he also sketches in his free time🥀☁

-Camilo saw a tutorial on YouTube on how to make homemade stickers; and now when Carlos draws something he turns it into a sticker🌻🥀

-Camilo watches YouTube so much he'll zone out while watching and forget about the outside world🌻☁

-Carlos stays up late texting/calling you <33🥀☁

-Camilo FaceTimes you when he misses you at any time of day/night <33🌻☁

-Carlos draws/sketches you and then Camilo will color it and hang it on the wall🌻🥀

-Camilo and Carlos both have a crush on you but left the choice up to you🌻🥀 (I'D CHOOSE BOTH 🤭)

-They always have sleepovers with you on Saturday's, it always alternates between houses🌻🥀

-Camilo makes tons of bracelets for you🌻☁

-Carlos attempts to paint but always spills paint on his clothes somehow🥀☁

-Camilo drags Carlos to make Tiktoks or YouTube videos 24/7🌻🥀

-They have a shared channel. Argue with the wall🌻🥀

-Carlos scares so many children it's not even funny. He just walks up behind them and says "boo" and they run away screaming 🥀☁

-Camilo plays with the kids in town with his gift and plays hide-and-seek with them🌻☁

-Carlos throws hands with anyone and everyone who talks shit about you or Camilo🥀☁

-Then Camilo or you have to bandage him up after the fight. Or you bandage Carlos while Camilo goes to fuck up the person who fought Carlos🌻☁

-If someone tries to double team Camilo then Carlos will jump in the fight and vice versa🌻🥀

-They might act like they hate each other but they'll fuck up someone who messes with the other <333🌻🥀
Bonus: Text story thing (sorry I forgot to add it)
                   Camilo aka Rayo de sol

                               6:58 p.m.
Emo bookworm: Hey rayo de sol, do you have the answer to question 10 for our math homework

Camilo aka Rayo de sol: Yes, but I'm not telling you. Not after the stunt you pulled yesterday!!

Emo bookworm: I said I'm sorry ok?! I didn't mean to spill my food all over you at lunch yesterday.

Camilo aka Rayo de sol: Mhm.. Anyway, I'll tell you if you go to the kitchen and get me some arepas. I'm hungry but I already ate and Tía Julieta won't let me get any more until you eat 😒

Emo bookworm: Ok, ok then you'll tell me??

Camilo aka Rayo de sol: Yes, NOW GO!! >:(

Emo bookworm: OK, I'M GOING. CHILL 🙄

                              7:15 p.m.

Emo bookworm: You happy?? NOW GIVE ME THE DAMN ANSWER TO #10

Camilo aka Rayo de sol: The answer is 18√2½
(I just said smth random 😭)

Emo bookworm: Thank you, and btw fuck you.

Camilo aka Rayo de sol: What was that for?!

Camilo aka Rayo de sol: Why'd you leave me on read??

Camilo aka Rayo de sol: >:/ and goodnight btw, I'll see you in the morning

Emo bookworm: Goodnight rayo de sol
Hope y'all like the head canons! please excuse my trash Spanish, I used Google translate 👩‍🏽‍🦯

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