🌹☁Carlos Fluff Hc's☁🌹

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🌹☁Carlos Fluff Hc's☁🌹
Requested by: thomasslover
(Not my art)

-Camilo's older twin brother🌹

-He was the nicest child ever but after his gift ceremony, that's when he changed and became mean☁

-Whenever he first met you he was surprised you didn't run away from him in fear🌹

-Since he was the "Rude and Troublesome" Madrigal, most people avoid him or get scared if they run into him☁

-When he said something rude to you like "watch where you're going"and you said something rude back and stood up to him, he was interested on why you didn't run away🌹

-If you were childhood friends, then he always had a crush on you☁

-When you were kids and you got hurt, he'd kiss the spot you got hurt and hug you to make you feel better🌹

-He has the gift to shape shift into animals instead of people☁

-Cuddles, this boy/man is TOUCH STARVED🌹

-Loves to terrorize children in town☁

-Always holding your hand🌹

-Loves to cook and is actually good at it☁

-Sucks at baking🌹

-If you're doing something he'll come up behind you and wrap his arms around your waist while resting his head on your shoulder☁


-One time at dinner he whispered a dirty joke in your ear, you choked on your food and so did Dolores☁

-If anyone talks bad about you, they're gonna get their shit ROCKED🌹

-When he wants attention he clings to your side☁

-If he's mad, leave him alone and let him calm down then talk to him. Same for when he's sad🌹

-Dates. Every Tuesday and Friday at 6:30 but he always picks you up at 7:00 to make sure you're fully ready☁

-Dancing is a must. Sometimes if he's feeling soft, you'll dance in the moonlight on the roof of Casita🌹

-Tons of kisses. Cheek kisses, nose kisses, lip kisses, every type of kiss! Especially neck kisses when he's clingy or jealous☁

-He's cold and hard on the outside but warm and soft on the inside (no dirtiness 🤨📸 /j)🌹

-Makes sure you're ok like 24/7☁

-Loves pulling small harmless pranks on you🌹

-He calls you princesa/príncipe/su majestad, niño bonito/niña bonita/mi persona bonita, mi amor, or mi vida☁

-You call him (if you'd like): niño bonito, mi príncipe, guapo, querido, and mi amor🌹

-Sarcastic af☁

-Gives the best hugs🌹

-Let's you braid his hair☁

-You're the only one he lets see his whole face, other than his family🌹
The End, hope you liked all the head canons. I came up with them all on the spot :]

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