🌹❤I'm here with you❤🌹

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🌹❤I'm here with you❤🌹
Carlos x Reader // Carlos reacting/comforting you (Y/n) during a panic attack


I was walking around town shopping with my boyfriend, Carlos Madrigal. It was a rather busy day in the Encanto so there was more people than usual, I had pit in my stomach..

This weird feeling that I was being judged by everyone.. I snapped out of my thoughts by Carlos snapping his fingers in front of my face, "Earth to Y/n!!" He said with a sarcastic tone. "Sorry Carlos, what is it?" I asked.

"What fruit do you want, I was gonna go get it for you but you zoned out." Carlos replied with a deadpan expression, I slightly squeezed his hand at the thought of him leaving me alone in this crowd for even 5 minutes.

I quickly let go of his hand, "Um, I just need some strawberries, apples, and bananas." I then quickly glanced around, it felt like all eyes were on me.

I guess Carlos noticed since he leaned close to my ear and gently whispered, "Everything is ok mi amor, no one is looking at you.. No one is judging you, I promise." I smiled softly as he stood tall once again.

He lead me to a less busy alley way, "Stay here while I go get the fruit. I'll come back, I promise. " Carlos kissed my cheek lightly then walked away to go get the fruit I needed.

I waited patiently, gently tapping my foot on the ground. At that point 15 minutes felt like 15 hours, and I still I didn't see Carlos, that pit in my stomach came back. A few tears formed in my eyes as the dark thoughts came rolling in.

'He definitely left you'

'You're so annoying! No wonder he left.'

'Everyone is judging you'

'Everyone is judging you.'

My heart started pounding as more dark thoughts popped into my head, scenarios of what Carlos could be doing. More tears formed at the dark thought of him cheating on me..

'Carlos wouldn't cheat on me!! Would he..?'

At that instant, my knees buckled. I fell to the ground sobbing and breathing heavily, my heart pounding in my ears. I slowly made my way to the wall on one side of the alley to stay out the way of everyone passing by, I looked up slowly only to see no sign of Carlos..

My sobs grew louder as I pulled my knees to my chest and put my hands in my hair. Suddenly I heard the one person I needed the most, Carlos, he was back

Carlos POV

I looked around the crowd searching for the alley way I left Y/n in. "Y/n! Y/n, where are you?!" I heard sobbing nearby and made my way there, only to see Y/n sitting on the ground in a ball. Crying. "Oh Y/n! Hey, hey.. look at me" I said softly while kneeling in front of them.

I gently lifted their face my fingers to look at me, their eyes we're filled with tears. I used my thumb to wipe away some tears that had fallen down their face, "Take a second to breathe and then tell me what happened."

I know Y/n struggles with anxiety attacks and intrusive thoughts just like I do. I hate seeing them like this but I also know it wasn't in their control. "Carlos.. where were you..?" Y/n asked struggling to hold back more tears. "I was getting the fruits but I got lost in the crowd." I said comfortingly as I sat next them.

I opened my legs just enough for Y/n to slide in. I then wrapped my legs around them and wrapped my arms over their shoulders with my chin resting on their head. "I would never leave you alone mi amor.. I always come back." I felt them shift under my touch to lean into my chest more.

"Carlos.. Would you ever cheat on me?" My eyes widened slightly once I heard that question. "No, of course not! You're the only one for me, I would never do anything to hurt you" I said in a whispy tone.

"You see.. I'm here with you"

"And I'm not leaving anytime soon"

Sorry I haven't been updating! I don't have any motivation, please request stuff for me to write and specify of it's head cannons or an actual one shot 😊

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