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Billies POV

New York City, NYC

One month later

It's been a month and Sal is due in the next month and then we welcome our baby girl into the world. I'm so excited and Sal is starting to show now at a rapid pace. Everything is perfect and each day I fall in love with this woman. I can't believe I'm 23 and having a kid with a woman I love dearly.

Sal has been exhausted lately I've been trying to help her with doing exercises and more to keep moving but when we finish she is tired so she ends her nights with a shower and sleep.

I know this baby is taking everything out of Sal but in a month she will be here in the world and I'm so excited to start this new chapter.

I walk into the bedroom and notice Sal knocked out. I'm honestly not surprised it's what she seems to do for the past 2 weeks. I walk over to the bed and kiss her head causing her to stir in her sleep.

"Hey baby," She says in a low and raspy voice. "Hi, my love are you okay? Do you need anything?" I ask causing her to smile "No I'm fine" She replies as I pass her a cup of water. "Finneas is going to be over soon so we can make some music," I replied causing her to nod.

"What time?" She asks in maybe 3 hours or more. "In that case come cuddle me please," Sal says scooting over in the bed. I slide my body onto the bed wrap my hands around her stomach and get comfortable.

It doesn't take minutes until slight snores part Sal's mouth and my eyes get heavy.

I woke up to Sal shaking me. "Baby wake up your phone is blowing up," She says passing it to me I look over and notice I have 15 missed calls from Finneas. I unlock my phone calling Finneas.

"Hello," I say in a groggy tone. "We've been standing outside for 10 minutes Billie open up," Finneas says in an annoyed voice. "Shit, I forgot about our music session," I reply. "Whatever hurry up it's getting cold," Finneas replies hanging up.

"You leaving?" Sal asks turning over. "Yeah, Finn is here" I replied kissing her stomach. "Ok," she says sniffling.

"Hey, baby don't cry I promise I won't be long in the studio" I reply.

"You always say that but when you are in there you want everything perfect and it takes hours, I'm sorry for crying and overreacting" she replies.

"My love you're pregnant I understand I promise you I'll be back soon," I say kissing her forehead. "Ok baby," she says pecking me on the lips.

I make my way to the door to be greeted by Finneas with wet hair. "I didn't know it was raining," I say snickering causing him to brush past me,

"What took so long?" Finneas questions, "Sal didn't want me to go." I reply causing Finn to look at me like an idiot.

"You picking music over your pregnant girlfriend?" He says causing me to think. "When you put it like that," I say causing Finn to interrupt me.

"Billie go lay with your girlfriend and forget about music until she has given birth," Finn says causing me to shine a bright smile.

"Lock the door on your way out," I say heading upstairs.

I slowly remove my jeans and slip on some shorts with a hoodie. "Your back?" Sal asks. "We're else would I be when you're my only concern?" I replied causing her to snuggle into me inhaling my scent.

I wrap my hands under her belly lifting it a little to remove some of the weight. She lets out a sigh when the weight is removed.

"I can't wait to get this baby out," she says yawning. "Are you hungry my love?" I asked causing her to shake her head no.

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