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Billie's POV

New York City, NY

I walk out of the apartment. I hop into my car and start to speed down the empty freeway clearing my mind. the only word comprehensible in my head is that it is my fault Sal can't have kids.

I start speeding my foot getting heavier on the gas, I think about plowing into the sign and ending it. Would I be selfish over an argument I'd be willing to give up my family and fans and the love of my life over an argument.

I continue speeding until my vision is blurry. I pull over and bang on my horn. I let out a yell "FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK" I yell as I continue banging on the horn.

I finally calm down as I get ready to start driving I notice a car following. Once I hop on the freeway again I see blue and red lights. "Shit," I say pulling back over as the cruisers pull behind me.

I sit there getting my license out. "Hello Officer," I say causing her to smirk. "Do you know why I pulled you over tonight?" she asks me looking into the inside of my car. "No," I say blandly causing her to glare.

"We got a noise disruption on this freeway and you driving a black car at night." She says as she takes my ID. "Forgive me officer I was just heading home it's not too far from here," I say causing her to look at me.

"I know what you pop stars think that you are better than us and can be flashy at night but that's not the case." She says looking at me. "I'm gonna need to search your car," She says. "What I've done nothing wrong?" I replied causing her to smirk.

"Or I can search you," She says causing my heart to drop. "I have a girlfriend," I say. "She doesn't have to know." The officer says.

She reaches into my lap as I scoot over. I feel a tear slip out of my eye. "Please don't" She reaches for my belt as she undoes it putting her hand inside my pants she starts massaging as I scoot over more and more.

I see a truck coming for us driving on the wrong side of the road. "BEEP BEEP BEEP"

I jump up from my sleep cold tears run down my face as my alarm goes off I turn my alarm off trying to catch my breath. I look around and notice I'm at Finneas and Claudia's house in their guest room to be exact.

I look over at the clock and notice it's 10 in the morning. I roll over walk to the bathroom and look into the mirror. I splash cold water on my face and brush my teeth.

I make my way downstairs greeted by Finneas and Claudia drinking tea. "Hey Bil, how are you feeling?" Claudia asks me. "Like shit" I replied causing her to chuckle.

"It's ok Bil couples argue all the time, you just need time, and then when you want to return you guys need to talk you just can't keep your feelings tied up until one of you guys boils over," Finneas says sipping his tea.

"I don't know Finn she seemed pretty set that it was my fault we couldn't have kids when I've thought about that every day since I've found out."

"Baby I'm gonna check on Ivory," Finneas says pecking Claudia's cheek and walking out.

"Billie we need to talk about the dreams you've been having," Claudia says causing me to distort my face. "Last night I heard you and I-" She starts to say until I interrupt her.

"Did you tell Finn?" I ask fast. "No of course not it's not my place bu-" Claudia says. "No I can't tell him I told him it was getting better and I'm not lying but lately I-" "How long have they been happening again, Billie?" Claudia asks

"3 weeks maybe a little after the hospital," I say causing her to sigh. "3 weeks Billie? Is this why you've been out of control with your anger and feelings? Is this why the argument happened between you and Sal?

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