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Salomé POV

New York City, NY

I've been on the rocks lately, I can't seem to focus. I would like to say it's because I'm overworked but seriously the only thing on my mind is Billie.

 It's been one day since she returned to New York and all I want to do is be consumed in her presence. Right now we're sprawled out on my bed on her laptop looking for apartments.

 Honestly, I'm so happy for Billie looking for a more promising place in New York. 

I know Billie is from LA and nothing can take that part away from her but her finding a more permanent spot gives off a feeling that maybe our relationship can grow. 

My past relationships haven't been the best which is why I'm so skeptical about relationships now.

 I and Billie have never talked about it although we talk about everything. I just haven't mustered up the courage, I'd have to tell her if she asked but until then I won't say a word about it. Billie's black hair is spread across my bed Yes, she dyed it when she got to New York. 

I think it looks hot on her but that is beside the point. She is wearing basketball shorts with a tank top as she scrolls through Zillow on her Macbook. 

"Sal-Sal you're doing it again," She says snapping me out of my daydreaming. 

"Sal, what's on your mind? You've been  out of it all day." Billie says looking at me worriedly. "Nothing I'm fine," I say with a slight attitude causing her to sigh. 

"Sal you know I'm here for you when you want to talk because that's what friends are for," Billie says. 

It hurt when she referred to me as a friend because I am one hundred percent sure friends don't make out at 3 in the morning after getting off red-eye but maybe that's just me. I roll over turning away from her. 

"Sal, what are you mad about?" Billie asks concerningly. "Nothing Billie my god I just told you I was fine" I reply as my voice cracks from the tears wanting to spill out my eyes. "Fuck, I think you should leave," I told her lowly.

 She looks up at me and then gets up. "I'll come back later Sal," She says. I lay my head on the pillow and cry until I feel my eyes get heavy and I fall asleep. 

I woke up to a hand wrapped around my waist the hand slightly rubbing my belly due to my crop top rising while I was sleeping.

 I look over and notice Billie looking at me. "Hey, Sal," she says lowly it looks like she's been crying. "Here is some soup I made and I got you some chocolate because I didn't know if you were on your period or not."

 She says lowly. I rub the dried tears on her face. "I'm sorry Sal" She replies causing me to pout. "It's not your fault it's mine," I replied. 

"Do you want to talk about it?" She asks me. "I don't want to but I think we need to talk,"  I say. "Clean up first I'll be in the living room," Billie says exiting. 

I lay in bed a little more thinking of how I and Billie are going to have this conversation, If I'm being honest I don't even know where to start. 

I haven't seen Billie sad like this since she has been in New York and knowing that I did this to her makes me feel like shit. I get up and take a shower so I can't have Billie waiting. 

I change into a different crop top and throw my hair in a bun with some leggings. I walk out and notice Billie on her phone. She shuts her phone off when I walk into the room giving me her full attention. 

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