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Salomé POV

New York City, NYC

"Alright, I've found out what's wrong with you," The doctor says walking in with the test results. "Would you want your girlfriend to be in here while we tell you?" She asks waiting for my reply.

"Yes of course," I reply as she walks out I assume calling Billie in. A couple of minutes later Billie walks into the room. "Are you ok baby?" Billie asks concerningly causing me to nod my head. "Well, I guess we are about to find out," I say with a chuckle causing Billie to frown.

"Hey don't frown I'll be fine," I say holding her hand. "Alright, so I've figured out your problem and it stems from hereditary genes essentially something that has been passed down through your family line." The doctor says as Billie listens carefully.

"Basically when someone is pregnant it's not going to show on a test or in your stomach much until the ending months of the birth delivery. Usually when you come from a set of paternal twins one of them is most likely to have the effect." Angelo says

"Well I'm neither of these things," I say looking at Doctor Angelo, "That's why we ran tests we noticed that you've had your reproductive system reconstructed and there is almost less than a one percent chance of getting pregnant which is why I don't know how this is possible but you are pregnant." The doctor says leaving me in awe.

"We're pregnant?" Billie says her eyes glossing over. "Yes I've dug into Billie's health documents and since she is intersex everything matches up Ms.Kirk you are pregnant." There are risks to these pregnancies and you came just in time we have to do annual checks and due to this birth defect there will be complications." Angelo says

"How bad of complications?" Billie asks

"Miscarriage, Death from Birth, over vomiting, stomach issues, and more could happen. This is why most people who have their reproductive system rebuilt usually terminate the fetus." The doctor explains.

"What if we don't want to terminate the kid?" Billie asks. "There would be health issues being your paternal twin who it passed down to from your mother." "I was told I was the only child," I say slightly raising my voice above a whisper.

"I'm going to step out and give you guys some time to talk and make some decisions about where you want to go with all of this." the doctor replies walking out the door.

Once the doctor walks out a comfortable silence takes over the room.

"Sal baby are you okay?" Billie asks getting in front of me.

"I'm fine this is a lot to take in. I'm pregnant I have a brother. Nobody told me I had a sibling my mom didn't tell me I was a twin. Nobody ever told me." I say tears slipping out of my eyes"

" Love, I want you to know whatever happens I'll support your decision, whether it's to keep the baby or not whether it to find your brother or not I'll support whatever decision you make it's your body and I want you to know I'll be here for our kid or I'll be a shoulder for you to cry on if you don't want to keep it due to complications.

Billie pecks my lips causing me to kiss her, there is a knock on the door welcoming Doctor Angelo back into the room. "So have we made a decision?"

I and Billie look at each other, Billie softly squeezing my hand while rubbing her thumb over the back of it.

"I've decided to keep the baby," I say feeling a breath I didn't know I was holding release.

"Alright, that's great!" Right now everything should be great since you are about 7 weeks I will transfer you to a clinic for monthly checks on your health and the baby remember to be extra careful during this pregnancy meaning laying low on intercourse, and extra activities that could cause pain to the unborn fetus."

ma maison b.eOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora