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Salomé POV

New York City, NY

It's tour time. Billie hasn't been back except for one time to pack her bags which was quick because she had already packed before our argument.

It's been 3 weeks without her next to me, honestly, I deserve it. What I said to Billie wasn't fair at all and I know how she felt about the whole situation.

What makes it worse is that now I'm sharing a room with Claudia. Meaning Billie is still mad at me and is sharing a room with Finn. I have no problem with Claudia I was just looking forward to spending the time with Billie.

Right now I am picking up the last few things before the bus pulls up. I'm nervous I haven't seen Billie in so long. Although I deserve it I don't think isolating yourself from your girlfriend is good.

As I pack the last bag I put it at the door. I received a text from Claudia about her coming upstairs to help with my bags. I hear a knock on the door as I open it I'm met with Claudia.

"Hi Sal long time no see you know with the thing between you and Billie," Claudia says. "Yeah we are probably going to be avoiding each other this whole tour," I reply with a nervous chuckle causing Claudia to frown.

We walk down to the lobby to the bus we put all my bags in the trunk and make our way on the bus I keep my head down and walk onto the bus although I know for a fact Billie is staring at me.

Claudia clears her throat before speaking. "Ok Charlotte here we come," she says walking to where Finneas is.

I scroll through my phone until I take a break to stretch my neck. I look around and notice Billie staring at me she looks tired and sad. I continue to scroll through my phone until I feel my eyes getting heavy.

I lean my head against the window until I feel myself fall asleep.

The bus stopped moving and I noticed I was in one of the bunks I felt an arm draped around me tightly and securely and I felt refreshed. Some of the best sleep I've gotten in weeks if I'm being honest.

I open my eyes until I notice the familiar arm draped around me. It's Billie she is knocked out next to me. I take a look at her staring at her face. Her eye bags were more visible than her matted hair.

She looks tired I see her face slightly tick as she sleeps. "She is a mess without you" Finneas whispers to me. "I hurt her like this she is better without me" I replied causing him to frown.

"Sal Billie can't live without you do you think these 3 weeks were easy for her? She only wants you and couples to argue all the time sometimes we say things we don't mean but that's life." Finneas says

"Apologize to her stop avoiding her don't make her tour shitty because she is constantly thinking about you and if you are not happy neither is she," Finneas says.

"Thank you, Finn," I say. "I and Claudia are going to get lunch when she wakes talk to her," Finneas says stepping off the bus with Claudia.

I continue to look a Billie gently scratching her hair until she stirs in her sleep. She slowly begins to wake up turning towards me. "Sal?" She says. "I-" no Billie none of this is your fault. "But it is".

"No, it's not I'm sorry I freaked when you were talking about marriage I panicked the last time I heard marriage it wasn't my ideal plan and I panicked. It's not your fault I can't have kids you saved my life and I have nothing to blame you for I'm so sorry but these past weeks have been shitty and I just want to get back to what we were Billie." I say causing a tear to roll down her face.

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