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Billie's POV

New York, NYC

Today is Sal's birthday. This morning I cooked her breakfast and she went into the office today to talk to John about getting a different position at work. I'm super excited that my baby is expressing herself.

Sal said she wanted to forget the day and not make such a big day which is also another reason she went to work. So that left me time to plan. A day with just me and Sal. 

I plan on picking her up for lunch and taking a walk through the central park like we did the second day I got signed to Interscope. Then I plan on buying her some edibles. She said she used to smoke on her birthday so I found an alternative. 

Her favorite candy is gummy bears so that's what kind of edible I got her. This is all going down while we are walking through a mall and anything Sal points at I will get her and finish it off I got the room set with roses and a bath full of warm rose water. 

I hope Sal likes today. I can't believe she is turning twenty-six. Right now I'm finding something to match the outfit she wore to work today. She may not have noticed but I looked in her closet and she had a specific outfit toward the back.

Sal looked so good this morning. I put on some clothes that go with Sal's attire and make my way to my car. I get to Interscope records headquarters and I'm met with John. 

"Long time no see Billie," He says causing me to pull him into a hug. "Hey, John," I replied. "Is Sal in her office?" I ask causing him to look at me as crazy. "Sal didn't come in today." He replies as I instantly feel my heart drop. 

"Today is her birthday, do you know where she is at?" I ask. "She is usually at the pond for a good 4 hours after that she goes to the bar to get wasted," John says normally like it was an occurring thing on her birthday. 

"Ok thank you John I have to leave." I say sprinting out the door "Hey Angela" I say leaving the office. I hop in my car and drive to the pond. I get stopped at a red light which gives me time to let out all my anger.

"How could I be so fucking stupid," I say banging on the steering wheel causing my horn to blow which causes the other cars to blow at me. I drive by the other cars sending an apologetic smile. 

I get to the pond and see my beautiful girlfriend with her head held down. "Sal baby?" I say lightly causing her to look up with tears in her eyes. "How did you-?" She asks. "That's not important, I'm here now and that's all that matters," I replied hugging her as she cried on my shoulder.

"Happy Birthday Sal," I say causing her to cry harder. "What did I do to deserve you?" she asks. "You had one hell of a life, It's time for me to take care of you and heal you."

"How about we get some lunch?" I replied causing her to nod her head and wipe her tears. I grab her hand as we walk back to her car. We pulled up at some rustic French place that Sal told me she used to go to as a kid. 

We ordered and got our food to go. We drove to the nearest beach. Upon arrival, I laid the seats down as we sat in the car taking our food out of the bag. The sweet aroma filled the car up with the hot food and our light conversation steamed the windows from the cold rain that started to fall.

"Billie, do you think I'm a horrible person?" Sal says as the comfortable silence is interrupted. "I don't think you're a bad person we all have our problems nothing you feel will make me want to be apart from you," I replied closing the container of food and wiping my mouth.

I reach into the front seat grabbing the bag. "Here you go my love," I say handing her the edibles. "Did you get me gummy worms?" She replies with a smile. "Not just any kind," I reply with Sal getting the hint.

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