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Salomé's POV

Los Angeles, CA

5 months earlier

I don't even know where to start, Traveling the world wasn't how I expected it. It was lonely too lonely. I didn't text Billie once which I regret looking back on it, but I knew holding a conversation with her would make me go back to New York and I just needed time. 

I cut off contact with everyone. After talking to the lady on the plane my feelings were more than obvious for Billie I did love her. There wasn't a moment where I didn't think about her once. 

Sometimes I cried at night because she wasn't there beside me. I felt like I was punishing myself but in all reality, I was doing the best for myself.

 I saw Billie blowing up everywhere I mean it was hard not to considering she was everywhere from merch, music, and tours. I was tempted to go to one of her tours but that wouldn't have helped my case.

 I was proud that Billie kept her promise. I couldn't help but smile every time I heard her music in a shop or just someone randomly listening to it. 

Towards the end of the album she had a song called I Love You, I'd like to know what that song was about but I never had the strength to call her and ask or text her in general. 

I saw interviews of a confident Billie not stuttering when she is in front of people answering questions with a breeze.

 There was this one Interview where I mentioned the paps took pictures of us making out. She denied it, I don't know why but it hurt me physically that she would just deny something like that once again we weren't dating we had no label but it seemed to hurt Billie too as she ran off from the interview. 

Grammy Night  

I will be seeing Billie at the Grammys tonight. Last night I took a red-eye to LA booked a hotel and now I'm in a silky black dress getting ready to head to the Grammys. 

I honestly didn't want Billie to know I was here so I didn't sit in the seat she saved for me due to the fact I wanted to surprise her at the after-party.

 I could see when Billie walked on stage to accept her awards that she was happy because of her accomplishments but she wasn't happy or excited it was a few fake smiles here and there but I'd guess you'd have to be up on her to see when she would fake a smile. 

Billie was all nervous and ticing again like when I first met her, That confident Billie that I watched was dissolved it was heartbreaking to know that I might have something to do with that. 

Billie exited the stage and went straight back down the hallways. She left with her head down. She came back out after the last awards they were called out for.

 I cheered so loudly for her because she deserved it. 

Right now I'm headed to the after-party, While at the party I bump into a girl with brown hair. "Sal?" She says I look at her confused because I've never seen her a day in my life. 

That's until I see Finneas walking behind the brunette. "Sal?" He says. "Where Billie I want to surprise her," I say. "I don't know I haven't seen her since she got out of the car," Finneas says. 

"Oh, how rude of me, Sal this is Claudia, my girlfriend," Finneas says causing me to nod. "Nice to meet you Salomé but people call me Sal for short," I say pulling her into a hug.

 While talking Hailey and Justin walk over to us to talk to Finneas. 

Suddenly, I spot Billie, her messy hair, her blue eyes darker than they usually are, her red eyes from crying, and her demeanor from being drunk slowly trying to walk over to Finn.

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