"Actually... yes." Pointing at a sword with a purple hilt leaning against the side of the cabinet, Terrence tilts his head lightly as he observes the weapon. The sword itself seemed normal until it wasn't. Just a little bit, if you look close enough. There is more than one blade.

"Oh? That sword? Is there any particular reason for you to choose that?" Walking over with clear amusement written on his face, Vincent bends down beside Terrence. "Wouldn't you want to try something more interesting than what they probably taught you in the palace?"

"This seems interesting enough, though." Lightly picking it up to see one other blade dangling off the top of the first one, Terrence looks back at Vincent, who is smiling at him excitedly, as if proud or surprised that he had figured it out this fast.

"Alrighty then! Now that you two have picked, and don't worry, Mikey, I'll have you do something as well. Let's go outside and get to know them!" Picking Michael up in his arms, Vincent smiles happily as he practically pushes the two outside through the deck of the house, staring out at the many kinds of wood sticking out of the ground. "I'll teach you guys how to use your weapons, and we'll see if you can cut anything with it, alright?"

"Let's start!"


"Now, I'll have you sit here for now, okay, Mikey?" Putting the small boy down on the deck and lightly patting his head, Vincent turns to Terrence, "Hey, Terry? You stay here as well as I get Ty started, okay? The beginning can be a bit dangerous."

Terrence nods and walks over to Michael, who quickly leans against him in a hug. Seeing that both are out of hurting range, Vincent nods and claps his hands. "Okay! Ty! I'll have you to hold the chain in one hand and try to raise the blade over your shoulder with the other, alright?"

The sickle chain looks small but is definitely not light. A bit heavy, even, for a child that hadn't even reached teenage. But due to the sheer passion and determination of this blood-craving young boy, Tyron had somehow managed to do just that despite starting to wobble a bit and struggling to stay upright.

Laughing lightly before helping him out by holding the tip of the blade up to take some weight off of the weapon, Vincent puts his other hand on Tyron's wrist, leading it in a forward motion. "And now, we swing it... like this... and as we reach this point, let go. Can you try that yourself without letting go?"

Nodding, Tyron throws the sickle over his shoulder once more before slowly swinging it out, just like how Vincent had shown him earlier. Handshaking from the weight of the weapon, Tyron puts it down before trying it again, and again, and again. Geez, who would've known that someone can be this determined in learning how to wield a weapon for no better reason than to kill?

"Alright, I'll leave you at that. Keep practicing while I go get your brother, alright?" patting him on the head before laughing lightly when he got no response from the focused boy, Vincent shakes his head before picking up the sword from the side and waving over at Terrence. "Your turn, buddy! Come here!"

Letting go of his youngest brother after giving him a small kiss on the forehead, Terrence walks over and accepts the sword as Vincent hands it over, carefully pulling it out of the back scabbard and looking back up at the man in charge. "What should I do?"

"Swing it! It surprised me how both the weapons' you guys chose ended up being throwing weapons that also function similarly! The power of being twins, huh?" laughing lightly before taking Terrence's hand and doing the same thing he did with Tyron earlier, guiding him through the process of swinging.

"Of course, you can still use this like a normal sword for short-range attacks by holding this part down." Pointing at a handle on the weapon, Vincent takes the sword from Terrence to demonstrate what he has meant. "And then, it won't come apart. But this one especially gave you the option of fighting long-range. Use it well, 'kay?"

"I'll try my best." Taking the sword back and trying swinging once more, Terrence shocks himself as the blade flies out from the amount of force he has accidentally used and panics when it starts coming back to him. Making him drop the sword and jumps off to the side, Vincent sighs with a weak laugh. "Maybe we hold the handle down when practicing as well, okay?"

"O- okay..."


"I got it!" Getting the sickle back into his hand before jumping up and down, Tyron looks over at the man playing with Michael on the side excitedly. After literal months of practice, he finally managed to hit the target. "Papa! Terry! Look! I got it!"

"Hmm?" Looking out at the log cut in half from the side, Vincent's eyes widen as well as his smile, grinning over at Tyron proudly. "Good job, My boy! That's amazing!"

Snaking the blades around carefully and making them retract slowly to get a better sense of how it works, Terrence's eyes, which haven't left the weapons for hours, finally look up at the yelling of his twins and give him a gentle smile in return. "Congratulations."

Not wasting another minute and quickly going back to practicing, Tyron is visibly happy. Glad that the other is enjoying himself, Terrence turns his focus back onto his own weapon. The snake-like knife that can very easily just go out of control. Lightly moving the spread-out blades around before lifting his arms to retract them all back together. Terrence took a deep breath.

With a quick swing of a whip, the knife flies out, cutting everything in its way before landing and getting stuck on the tree in front of them. Freezing, Terrence gulps lightly before trying to get the blades to come back with no luck. Turning back for help. "Umm... Papa Vincent...?"

"Hmm? Oh! It's stuck?" laughing lightly under his breath as he had fully expected that to happen, Vincent sets Michael down before taking the hilt from Terrence. With a strong swing upwards that caused the wind to redirect, the blade is back where it should be.

Oh. So, it's based on strength. At least he knows how to get better now.

After another few hours of training and Tyron wracking every wooden board he sees lying around, Vincent puts a hand on the thriving boy's shoulder and laughs. "Alright, that's enough for today. You too, Terrence! Let's go back in!"

"Yes, sir." Putting the sword back into the scabbard on his back, Terrence walks over to go inside, only to bite down a laugh at witnessing Vincent signing and picking Tyron and the weapon up to walk inside. "W- what happened?"

"He won't come inside no matter what I say! I restored to brute force." Walking into the house with a pouty Tyron held under his armpit, Vincent places the boy down after taking the sickle chain, holding a handout for the sword as well.

Handing it over without a fight cause there is no point for that, really. Terrence signs in amusement as Tyron's focus quickly changes to the food being cooked in the kitchen and runs off. "He can be like that sometimes, huh?"

"Yes, and that's totally fine if not for the fact that I want him to actually get some rest." Walking off to put the weapons away where it is safe, Vincent gushes the kids to go wash their hands before sitting them down in the kitchen.

"Now... who's hungry...!"


Smiling as he watches the rest eat their cooked boar, Terrence signs fondly and turns back to eat his own food. So, this is their new home...

He likes it.

And he is certain, for once, that the other loves it to.

Family? Found!Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя