Our Secret

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Fierce's POV

Some nsfw so be prepared

No one knows about our relationship. Not even Jet and Justice who actually announced their relationship last week to a couple of our friends. Everyone was so excited and then the news got out to the entire city. Now, they are basically one of the strongest couples out there. But I realized when I checked the website that it was only hetero couples, no homosexual couples at all. And it is not that Inkopolis is homophobic or anything (well it is sometimes but its roughly happen) and if anything I've seen more homosexual couples than straight couples ever since I got here. Like for example everyone knows that N-Pacer and Headphones have a crush on each other, same with Gloves and Emperor, Goggles and Rider have been secretly dating ( I only just found out last week), and Army and Aloha who have been dating for the past six months and is currently one of the freshest couples yet (Maria and Pearlie are trailing behind just a smidge). So as you can see when it comes to romance in this town, words spreads around fast. But for me and Hivemind, we prefer to keep our relationship a bit of a secret ( not like Rider and Goggles who's PDA has been on instead off). I nudge my head into Hivemind's neck, it's just as soft as the couch we're sitting on. He mumbles something inaudible, his headgear slightly tilted revealing a small bit of his eyes. I wanna just tear up that headgear and kiss his eyes. So that's exactly what I do. I remove my head from his neck then lift my hand up and take off his headgear. This completely catches the silver inkling off guard as he turns towards me and glares. The headgear danging in my hand as he tries and reaches for it. 

" Give it back," he snarls to me. Damn I love it when he gets all feisty with me. Especially when we're in my room~. I drop the headgear on the floor and wrap my arms around his waist. 

" Hell no... get off Fierce." He says and tries to push me off. But when it comes to strength, he knows I'm stronger than him and can be very... aggressive. I give him a very knowing smirk. His eyes widen slightly and soon I inch closer so our bodies rub against each other, earning a muffled moan from him as he bites down on his lip.

" Don't start this Fierce..." He hisses which just turns me on even more. I don't even give him another chance to speak before slamming my lips onto his. He gasps which gives me access to his mouth. My tongue slips in a couple of times He tries to speak again, a warning of such but it comes out muffled and I just  ignore it and continue to make out with him on the sofa. It doesn't take long for him to melt into my touch and hesitantly kiss me back. He slowly shifted from my side to my lap. Our bodies continue to graze against each other, making him moan even more.  My hands move from his waist to the ends of his shirt where I slip them under. My fingers trail against his cold pale skin. He pulls away from me with both annoyed and turned on eyes. 

" Look what you did dumbass..." He huffs at me. I just smirk and start pulling up his shirt just a bit. 

" I can always help with that~" I say seductively. He blushes and then pins me against the soft sofa. 

" Damn I hate you..." 

" I love you too. Especially when you curse~" I smirk and pull him back into our kiss. His lips so full that I start biting down on them. Our kissing slowly starts to turn into us trying to devour each other until one of us submits to the other. Ever since our makeout in the woods things our sexual life has been at its highest peak. We've never had sex but... I've been daydreaming about it for a while now.  Soon we're both shirtless and I'm lying right on top of him. My hands travel freely all over his body. Making him squirm and moan into my ears.

I don't think I want people to find out about us. Not now not anytime soon. And I don't think Hivemind ready for people to find out about us either. I pull away from Hivemind. His silver eyes look like little stars as I move my hands from his chest to his face, cupping it slightly so he can look directly at me.  His tentacles are now tinted yellow and I just smirk at him and whisper one thing in his ear. 

" Lets take this to the bedroom~." I whisper. Hivemind seems a little taken back at my words. His eyes widen slightly, silver and gold blush pour from his face. 

" I-I...if you say so." He grumbles. I start to chuckle softly, lifting him off my lap and carrying him to my room. I know Hiveind isn't ready for whatever we're about to do and I have no intention of pushing him past his limits. 

Not yet At least. This will be our little secret~...

892 Words!!!

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