Set Up Time

160 3 7

Jet's POV

"These guys just need to fuck already... " I groan as I watch Hivemind gaze at Fierce. Justice tilts his head slightly before his helmet starts to buzz.

" Searching up... "these guys just need to fuck already."  " He tries to search it up but I yank his helmet off. 

" Don't search that up!!!" I bark at him, causing Hivemind and Fierce to look at us. 

" Search up what?" Hivemind asks. I chuckle nervously before placing Justice helmet on. 

" Nothing." I groan and Justice points at the sky. 

" Oh, well I was going to search up what these guys-" 

" HEY, why don't we do a two v two Turf War. Justice and I vs Hivemind and you." I say that so quickly that Hivemind eyes me down before looking at Fierce. 

" I mean if you want too." He shrugs his shoulders and then smirks at me.

" Your on as long as Hivemind doesn't mind control me." He jokes and I can see Hivemind's blush return. 

" No need to worry about that. After battling Goggles I know now that order comes from within so lets have a fun and clean game." He smiles at me and I smile back.

" Good then a Turf War it is. C'mon Justice." I grab him by the hand and drag him to a nearby stage. He looks at me and tilts his head once again. 

" Judging by how fast you dragged us away from them this is a set up isn't it?" He asks. 

" What do you think dumbass? They would be so cute together and plus its clear Hivemind likes him based on the way he blushed." 

" Yeah but it could also mean that maybe he is embarrassed by Fierce comment. It can be platonic." 

" Ugh you don't understand love Justice, Especially with that helmet on all the time." I snarl at him and I can tell I hurt his feelings by the way he bent his head down low and a tear drop emoji appeared on his screen. Shit... I take him by the other hand and squeeze it slightly. 

" Hey I didn't mean that, I know you know love, it's just hard for you." I smile warmly at him and he nods slowly. 

" Thanks Jetty." I smile and pull him not a quick hug before backing away. 

" Now, let's go kick these guys asses!" I pump my fist in the air. 

" All these curse words..." Justice grumbles and I lightly shove him before heading to our spawn. I already have the whole thing planned out. My plan is to try and push Hivemind into Pierce who should fall right on top of Hivemind. All these love novels, manga, movies, and shows better that I watched with Headphones and Red Sole will pay off. Not that i like them but... Ugh whatever it's all part of the plan. The count down starts and we quickly race to the center. I start inking around our spawn before splitting off to the left part of the stage. My blue ink covers every inch until there is nothing that isn't inked. But suddenly I see Fierce coming at me swiftly. I dodge all the attacks and start aiming at him. He dodges too but then suddenly I get hit from behind and as I head back to spawn I turn around to see Hivemind witha grin on his face as he and Fierce begin to ink the center. 

" Got her!" He cheers but quickly goes back to focusing on inking the stage. I see Justice trying to fend them off but struggles a bit. Perfect... All according to plan. Once I respawn I quickly dash over to Justice who gets struck down by Hivemind. The man is on his game today and I sneakily pretend to try and strike him down. Ofcourse he dodges and tries to hit me back. Now for the second part of the plan. I take Hivemind on a  little goose chase until he "unexpectedly" runs into Fierce. I wink at Justice who seems to blush on his screen before shaking his head and nodding at me which cause me to get puzzled slightly before going back to Hivemind.  Now for the third part of the plan. Trip. I dodge Hivemind attacks swiftly but pretend to accidentally trip and knock Hivemind into Fierce who dodges but ofcourse accidentally gets knocked down to by Justice. Both fall onto each other but not as planned. Hivemind is actually on top of Fierce (who if you looked at a certain angle) seems to be pinned down by Hivemind. 

Eh, it'll have to do.

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