
146 0 16

Fierce's POV

Things get a little heated in this so be prepared >;)

She doesn't know what the fuck she's talking about... I'm not the reason why Mom left and she knows that. My mind rushes to the moment when we first assigned with this job. I was two and she was three. Its blurry but I still remember Mom yelling at me and my father before storming out of the house and into the more storming night. Then dad left too but he at least stuck around until I was ten and Jet was eleven when we first started training as guardians. He left us all alone. That is when we met Justice and became the best of friends. Now, seventeen and I get reminded by my own sister how much of little shit I am. I clench my teeth as her words begin to repeat in my head over and over again. 

Your the reason why mom left your the reason why Mom left your the reason why- My face makes contact with something and I glance up to see Hivemind rubbing his back

" Ouch, your headgear hurts." He says to me and usually I would laugh but right now I'm in no laughing mood. 

" Sorry..." I mutter and still don't make eye contact with him. I can feel him frown as he bends down a bit to get a better look at my face. 

" Hey, you look like Justice when Jet says something hurtful to him. Did she say something to you?" He asks me and my face grows more grim. 

" Oh... She did say something." 

" Yeah no shit cuddleblock..." I snap at him and he a little taken back by my worst but doesn't fidget. Instead he puts an arm around me and takes me away to some place nice and quiet. Then he removes his arm and looks straight at me. 

" What happened?" He asks softly and thats when all it takes for me to start breaking down into ugly cries. I fall to my knees and try my best to hide my face. Ugh I hate it when I cry... 

" Hey hey, calm down and talk to me." Hivemind sits right next to me. His shoulder rubs against mine which causes my face to heat up a tiny bit.

" I-Its just... Jet can be such a bitch squid sometimes. More of a bitch than Emperor or Rider or Mask... She never thinks when she speaks and what she said to me right there, I can never forgive her." I hiss. I forgot Hivemind hates curse words and wait for him to scowl at me for that. But instead he places his hand on my knee and rubs it reassuringly. 

" What did she say?" He asks. Cod I never told anyone this story beside Justice and Jet. So I look up at him with broken eyes and explain everything. His eyes grow wider with each heartbreaking detail. My cries turn into sobs and I begin to shiver as if I'm at the north pole. 

" A-And yeah fifteen years later and it seems like I can never forget that day." I chuckle coldly. Hivemind doesn't say anything and I start to wonder if he even cares or if I'm being too dramatic. 

" A-Anyway its fine it happened years ag-" Suddenly,  I feel two warm warms wrap around me and now my eyes widen as Hivemind pulls me into a tight hug. Yellow blush creeps onto my face as I start to stiffen in the hug. 

" You need to let it all out Fierce..." He whispers into my ear. And thatch is exactly what i do when I hug him back. I sob deeply into his shoulder and he just hums into my ear and tells me everything is going to be okay. 

" Your fine Justice. Your fine, I'm here to talk and listen. You can trust me..." I know he is smiling as he says. I bury my face into his now wet shoulder and nod at his words. 

" T-Thanks man..."  I mumble and for the rest of the time we're there we just hug and sit in absolute silence. But not the bad silence the nice comforting silence. 

The silence you would share with a best friend. 

The silence you would share with your partner... I pull away from Hivemind and look directly at him. We're so close to each other. Probably only an inch away from our noses touching. I guess he notices because after a couple of seconds he jerks away. Along with his adorable face and blush. 

" Crap, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to get so-" I slam my lips onto his, silencing him completely. Cod I've been waiting to do this for about two years now... His lips are just as soft as I imagine. And my hands begin to travel from my sides to his. I start to rub it slightly. Dan I want him so bad, but then I realize him not kissing back and quickly jerk myself away.  

" I-I um..." He stutters and just looks at me. I look back to  him blushing as well and that his tentacles have turned from its usual silver to a tinted yellow. 

" S-Sorry man. I was just caught up in the moment and-" 

" N-No its fine, I um, really enjoyed it actually." He mumbles and shyly looks away. I stare at him at first with shock but then my shock turns into happiness as I pull him closer. 

" He, had a feeling you did." I smile smugly and Hivemind just scoffs and mumbles something under his breath. 

" Yeah whatever..." Cod he's cute. I pull him into another kiss. This time, its more rough and passionate. Then one thing leads to another and soon we're making out in the middle of the woods. Hivemind doesn't pull away and instead allows me to continue. My hand begins to travel and explore his body. He shivers slightly at my touch, letting out a soft moan as things start to progress even more. 

All this heat and affection...

Damn this is the best thing ever... 

1,039 words!!! Go me!

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