Battle with Team New-Per

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Fierce's POV

" Are you guys ready for today's battle?!" Jet cheers. her hair bounces a bit as she skips ahead of us.

" Hell yeah!" I pump my fist as we make our way to the stage. Today we're doing Moray Towers with Team New-Per. After weeks of training, we're finally ready to battle as a team. We continue to walk until we see Team New-Per ahead of us. Prinz ( who is much smaller than I remembered) waves excitedly at us. 

" Hey guys!" His voice is cheery just like Goggles but slightly more pure. I wave back and put on my usual confident smile.

" Hey, you guys ready to play?" I ask and they all nod. 

" We won't go down without a fight!" Edging Jr. chuckles smugly before heading to his spawn. I must say the new spawns are pretty cool. This game has always been so unique and is only getting better over the years. But I stop focusing on that and on the game which is about to start, 

" In three...!" My teammates and I race down the court and start splatting. We ink the stage as fast as we can but as we ink I see Laceless and Prinz charging at us. 

" Ha, you guys can't just charge at us all alone." I smirk but then I hear another voice from behind. 

" We aren't alone, now N-Pacer!" Prinz calls and I see N-Pacer at the top and uses her special gauge. We're all able to dodge but get counter attacked by Laceless. I'm still able to dodge and move out of the way so Jet can get him. Which she does and we move towards the middle.  Quickly Edging comes  from the side and does a surprise attack on Justice. Justice swiftly dodges the attack and hits from behind. 

" Nice job Justice!" I cheer and start to move forward. Suddenly I see N-Pacer  and Prinz attacking us from the side. I move swiftly but barely manage to dodge the attacks. But then I get struck right on the side and notice Laceless smiling as I head back to spawn. 

"Ooh good play from Laceless." I hear a scattered cheers from the crowd and the golden inkling blushes a bit as we and teams start to push us back. 

" ONE MINUTE LEFT!!  WHO WILL WIN?!? TEAM GUARDIAN OR TEAM NEW-PER?!?" Marie calls out from the mic.  I smile spreads on my face as we battle with this team. But suddenly I make a quick realization that everyone but Hivemind has been doing a lot of work. I stop splatting a bit to take a quick look at Hivemind who is getting targeted by N-Pacer and Edging. I see him stumble back and forth and try to regain his composer. Ugh, are you serious... I dash over to him but it's already too late. N-Pacer and Edging take down HIve in only seconds and now they're coming for me. 

" TEN NINE EIGHT SEVEN..." The count down starts and I do my best to ink the stage as much as possible But then, I get hit by an inkjet and I see Prinz smiling happily as the count down stops. 

" Times up and the winner is.... TEAM NEW_PER!!" Callie cheers rile up the crowd as they get up on their feet and clap. The gold inklings wave at them before turning around at us. 

" Good game! This was really fun!" Prinz smiles brightly at us. I smile back and place my weapon on my hip. 

" Yeah, it was." I glance at Hivemind to see and he has this tight look on his face. I've realized that somethign been up with him lately and I have no idea what. Well whatever it is I need to figure it out fast cause its kinda ruining our game. I talk with Team New-Per for a couple more mintues before we all head our own ways. I see Hivemind a couple feet ahead of the group and I speed walk past Justice and Jet to talk to him. 

" Hey, are you okay? I noticed during that turf war that your movements have been off. Have you been training lately?" I ask him. He doesn't look up at me as we continue to walk towards the forest. 

" I'm fine... Just been thinking about a lot of things lately..." He mutters softly. I remember when we were young when he used to overthink about a lot of things. I would always put an arm around him and tell him he's all right. And right now, I'm gonna do the same thing. I roughly wrap an arm around him and pull him close. 

" Well if you need any one to talk about it then I'm here!" I smirk at him and thats when I notice the small silver glow on his cheeks as he quickly turns away. 

" T-Thanks I guess..."

Coroika: Hivemind x FierceWhere stories live. Discover now