Just Us Two

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Okay back to the story! -w-

Hivemind's POV

Crud... My hands lie in between his arms and his legs are spread out as mine are right in between. My cheeks get so hot that might as well be on fire. Fierce also has blush on his face but is kinda frozen in place. Our faces are so close that I pull back immediately and run out of there.

" Sorry!!!" I call back but don't look back. I just ran. God that was so embarrassing, but for some reason... I, enjoyed it. God Hivemind you shouldn't enjoy such an un-orderly thing. I run until I reach some small pond in the middle of the woods. Hopefully they didn't follow me cause right now I need to process this alone. I sit at the very edge of the pond and look down at my reflection. The silver blush is still on my cheeks and  swat at the water. Letting the ripples ruin the reflection. Why am I blushing? I shouldn't even be blushing. I don't like Hivemind like that.. Or at least I think I don't. 

" Ugh.. this is so confusing.." I groan and bury my hands in my face. I've never experienced anything like this. Sure I've had a few crushes here and their but... They never last that long. I usually lose feelings for that certain squid or octoling after a few days but, why can't I stop when it comes to Fierce? He's my first male crush and I just can't stop my heart from racing... Wait, what am I thinking?! I don't think of him that way... A-And even if I did, would he even like me back? He probably doesn't I've always seen him wink at girls from time to time. But never with boys. But, there was that one time with Aloha-no! It was a joke! Aloha dating Army anyway...

" Hivemind! Shit, where are you dumbass?" I hear his voice coming from miles away. But he knows I hate cursing... 

" You know I don't like cursing!" I call out and then immediately over my mouth afterwards. 

" Ha! Found you." I see him push past some bushes until he is completely out of the woods. He has the most smug smile I have ever seen.  Rolling my eyes I go back to gazing at the pond. I don't even notice him walking over and sitting right beside me. He doesn't say a single thing. Just stares at the pond as the silence takes over. I kinda take this moment to just breathe and relax for a bit. Fierce has this sense of calmness whenever you need him. He never pushes you to talk unless needed to and is always there to listen. 

" I'm sorry about before, I hope it didn't make you uncomfortable or anything..." He mutters, breaking the silence as he finally turns his head to face me. There this deep seriousness to his eyes that make my heart freeze for a bit before responding.

" No! Y-Your fine! I was just embarrassed thats all. I hope you weren't uncomfortable during that." I chuckled slightly and put on a crooked smile. Fierce smiles back ( his teeth are way whiter than I thought).

" Good cause you really matter to me Hive. I don't want our thing to be ruined because of what happened today." I don't think he even realized what he said before I started blushing like crazy. 

" T-Thing... We are a thing now?" I nervously and for the first in forever, Fierce blushes slightly and then looks away.

" I-I didn't mean it like that! I meant li-" I stopped him by placing my hand on top of his. His hand is a bit hard but has that warmth that keeps me from letting go. I put on a warm smile and gaze into Fierce's eyes. 

" Its fine Fiercy. You really matter to me too." My voice comes out smooth and warm and I see his cheeks glow brighter than before as he put on a crooked smile. 

" Nice." Is all he says before the warming silence returns. But then I finally realize what I've said and my hand is still on top of his. I guess Fierce notices and mumbles something that causes me to jerk my hand back. 

" I-I am so sorry! I didn't mean too." I mumble. I should have moved my hand right after he said "nice". But then Hivemind takes me by the hand and leans in close. My face begins to burn and I know I'm turning silver. God he's so close!!! My heart starts to race and Fierce uses the other hand to cup my face. His hand is so hard and smooth against my face. He tilts his head slightly and inches closer.

" You talk way to much..."

Coroika: Hivemind x FierceWhere stories live. Discover now