Headcannons Two!

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Team X-Blood

Omega and Red Sole go on weekend shopping trips when the boys are out. 

Vintage and Omega are always confused as siblings. At this point now they just get used it and sometimes go by it just for fun.

Vintage is a big asexual and so is Omega.

Double Eggs and Edging.Jr play Call of Duty and Fortnite together. Literally the best gaming duo.

Double Eggs has been trying to eat more spicy food cause that all Vintage invites him too. 

Vintage is socially awkward and has trouble geeing along with other people. Mainly the lower ranks.

Vintage and Skull's team battle more often now and are trying to rebuild the years of anger and mistrust they have with each other. 

Red Sole struggles with slight autism (Just like Goggles) and is a bit mentally unstable. She fears everyone thinks that she a psycho based on how she acts and usually goes to Omega, Bobble Hat, or Headphones for comfort.

Vintage suffers from Bipolar.

Red Sole is a big lesbian

Red Sole is depressed. Mainly because of her anxiety. 

Red Sole and Bobble Hat are related. Cousin wise not siblings.

Omega is pan

Double Eggs once got a  buzz cut and literally got made fun enough until his hair finally grew back.

Red Sole made a team twitter, Snapchat, and Tiktok accounts. They post weekly and now have more than 10,000 followers on each of them. 

Omega likes to talk to Headphones, Straw, and Nana(Seven) about music and bands.  They are all trying to go to a music concert together right now.

Red Sole and Straw are really good friends. They hang out with Headphones, Jet, and Forge.

Omega drinks Bang and Monster energy drinks.

Team Hachi (Eight)

Hachi (Eight) and Goggles go to Team Yellow Green's apartment for weekly hangouts. Mainly to hang out and annoy Rider. Rider really pretend to hate but actually kinda enjoys it when they come over. 

Nana (Seven), Omega, Headphones, and Straw have a Music Group chat. 

Afro and Justice joke about having the same hair and Jet usually puts both of their hair into a bun or buns.

They go on monthly camping trips with Team Yellow Green and Team Blue.

Hachi and his teammates built a treehouse in the woods. It's actually quite big and Team Blue loves to hang out there. 

Nana (Seven) likes to grow food in the garden they have near the river. Ponytail, Hachi (Eight), and Afro help aswell. They've grown all sorts of things like soybeans, wheat, basil, barley, rice, citrus, melons, strawberries, and so much more!

Ponytail likes to get her hair done by Hachi (Eight). He gives her braids, pigtails, and buns. 

They all played a prank with Team Blue by dying their hair and changing clothes to trick the other teams. They also kept their names to the same just to make it more difficult for the other teams. 

They play pranks with Team Pink and Team Blue on the other teams.

I think Afro is ace.

Afro loves seaweed and Monster energy drinks. He sometimes shares with his teammates.

Ponytail is straight but goes by they/them.

Nana and Hachi are demi and asexual. 

Guardians ( Including Hivemind).

Jet loves to paint Justice nails. Justice actually really enjoys it, mainly because he gets to hangout with one of the coolest inklings he knows.

Jet put Justice hair into two buns just for fun.

Jet has another group chat with Full Moon, Red Sole, Headphones, and N-Pacer.

Fierce likes to throw apples at Hivemind to see if he can knock down his headset. So far it has worked dozens of times and Hivemind always gets flustered and starts yelling at him ( Fierce).

Jet and Fierce are siblings.

Justice plays Britney Spears, Dua Lipa, Faouzia, The Weekend, and One Republic t his teammates cause he likes playing his favorite music to them.

They switch their headgears with each other to see how they would look. Jet really loves Fierce's fishskull and Hivemind and Justice loves switching their headgears with each other. Fierce thinks the helmet and Jet's crest look perfect on him.

They all like to download their things on Justice's helment. Poor octoling has no space for his things anymore.

Hivemind is a orderly but also very flustered pansexual and demi. ( In the chapters he won't realize that till later).

Jet is straight but does question her sexuality from time to time. She goes by she/they

Justice is demi and asexual.

Fierce is a big Bi ( but is still in the closet).

Fierce likes to tease Hivemind about their elementary school years. Bringing up all of Hivemind's most embarrassing moments just to see him get flustered.

Justice and Hivemind have switched their headgears during battles just for fun and to see how it is.

Justice likes it when Metry puts on mascara on him.

Justice and Goggles go on many mini adventures. They almost always bring friends along.

All the guardians have gone to Coldplay and Lil Nas X concerts. They got merch to. 

Jet has cute nicknames for the other guardians and Hivemind. Calls Justice Computer Head, Fierce is Razor, and Hivemind is Little Silver.

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