Hanging Out with the Girls (Two)

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Jet's POV

" I like... Justice." I mumbles softly. I don't look up at them but I can feel their eyes widen at my answer.

" OH MY COD!!!! Tough emo squid x adorable computer octopus!! SO cute." Clip One giggles. I reach over and pinch her on the arm, causing her to yelp as she rubs her arm.

" S-Shut up.." I grumble but the blush still remains on my face as they all start to laugh and giggle.

" C-Can we talk about something else please..." I mumble slightly and adjust my crest to hide some of my face.

" We will we will but, what made him so interesting? I mean he can see players move before they happen but what else?" Red Sole asks while stirring the straw in her cup. I look up but don;t make eye contact as I begin to explain why I fell for him.

" Well he's nice and sweet and always lets me do his hair. He always agrees with me and he's very good at Turf Wars and Ranked Battles. Plus, I-I like it when I get to do his hair..." I whisper that last part. I remember him letting me put his hair into two buns and adding a bunch of hairclips in them. He said he loved it and that he wished he could keep this hairstyle like that forever. I glance at the girls to see them all with goo-goo eyes.

" Aww this is so adorable." N-Pacer smiles

" Hehe, wish you'd given a squid a heads up next time." Clip Ons giggles. I sigh heavily and start to clean up my trash. The girls just smile and laugh as they shift from this conversation to another. I'm kinda relieved that they took it so well. I know I don't show it well but I do really like him. I just don't have the courage...  

" Well lets head out now. I have another date with destiny!" She giggles her psychotic giggle and races ahead of us. The rest of the girls stay behind and we all begin to just chat for a bit more. But I'm hardly paying attention, my mind just circles around Justice and how much I wanna be with him. He's always been so loving and caring and so smart. But then I remembered what I told him and I swear I could feel the hurt and pain from him as I spat out those untrue words. Ugh, stop it Jet!!!  You're a guardian! One of the strongest and should be focusing on much more imortant things. I let out a heavy sigh which grabs the attention of everyone. 

" You okay?" Headphones asks. I nod slowly and continue to face the street filled jellyfish, inklings, and very few octolings. Once we catch up with Red Sole we chat for about five more minutes before going our separate ways. I don't even realize its sunset until I reach the mountains and see all the other guardians and Hivemind waiting. 

" How was it with the girls?" Justice asks me. 

" How did you know?" 

" You told us idiot." Fierce mutters at me. I glare at him before looking back at Justice.  

" It was fun! I bought some stickers for my helmet and the girls bought some clothes and other things." I smile but don't mention anything about N-Pacer and Headphones or the crushes. Justice just nods and I feel like something about to happen than I don't want to happen. They were just standing there as if they were waiting for me and there was this unsettling vibe I just can't seem to shake off. Fierce slowly walks up to me and grabs me by the wrist. 

" Hey, I need to talk to you for a bit." Before I can even answer he yanks me away from the others. 

" I can walk by my fucking self you know!" I snarl and try to yank my hand away but he grips tighter and drags me until we're about 30 feet away from the others. There I am able to yank my ahing wrist away from  him. 

" What's the cod?! Why'd you drag me all the way here?!" I yell at him. He scoffs and then gives me the stinger's eye. 

" You need to stop controlling Justice. You can't just make him do things he doesn't want to do. I know he was lying back there and you just won't admit it..." His voice gets so slow that it sends a small shiver down my neck. Okay I may have forced him a little but he still wanted to come anyway. 

" I already told you salmon for brains that I didn't force him!!" That's basically true. He eyes me deadly now and I start to back up a bit. 

" Look Im not here to fight with you but just let him be. Its as if you like him." He smirks smugly at me. My face turns red at the comment and I immediately turn my head. 

" I don't like him like that... We. Are. Just. Friends..." 

" Really? cause it seems  like you do!" He raises his voice at me and I am this close to throwing tentacles on him. 

" Just shut up and leave me alone..." I mutter. Why does everyone think I'm so mean to him. Sure I can be controlling but I am not mean. My mind immediately shifts to what I told him a couple months ago. Okay other than that... 

" You know what I'm one with you... Your just so fucking rude to him for no reason and just ay hurtful things in general." His words dig into my cold skin like a knife.

" At least I'm not the reason mom left..." I freeze at the sudden sentence. Fierce eyes widen at my words an I turn to face him but before I can he raises his hand and slaps me right across the face. 

" Shut. The fuck. Up..." He words come out with so much hate that I feel tears prickle down my face as he turns away and leaves. Leaving me there all alone to cry. I shouldn't have said that. I know that. Suddenly I collapse to my knees and cry softly... 

Maybe everyone is right... I'm just a bully. 

1,607 words

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