So Close!

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Hivemind's POV

" You talk too much..." His voice gets so low that it sends literal shivers down my spine as he continues to lean in close.

" F-Fierce, what are you doing?!" I stutter out. I can feel his breathe glaze against my lips as our noses touch. Is he gonna kiss me? I'm not ready! Not like this! I still don't know if I like him or not?! But suddenly I hear a rustle from behind and out pops Justice's helmet. Immediately Fierce pulls away and stares at the moving bush. My heart drops a bit as he does that. He was so... close. I almost wish he didn't pull away. ALMOST. 

" Ugh! Dammit Justice!! How could you let your helmet fall off!!" I hear Jet's voice boom from the bush as she pops out angrily. Justice does the same and squirms to his helmet. he picks it up and then looks at us apologetically.

" My apologies to both you guys and Jet." He grumbles slightly while brushing the dirt off his clothes. 

" YOU GUYS WERE SPYING?!?" I yell at both of them and Jet just rolls her eyes at me. 

" Yes dummy we were and you guys would have kissed if it weren't for Mr. Clumsy right here. I swear that goofy download really ruined you. " She mutters and I glance at Justice to see a hurt look on his face before putting on the helmet.

" Well you shouldn't have been spying and I know you forced Justice to join along with us anyway." Fierce snaps at her. Jet glares at him before looking back at Justice.

" No! I would never do such a thing? Right Justice?" She smiles innocently at him. Guilt tripping... Of course she is guilt tripping him. I don't know why but both Justice and Jet have been acting weird lately. Justice is always doing what Jet tells him to do and Jet just seems to be happily going along with it, Jet has been very pushy lately and very rude towards Justice and Justice doesn't seem to say anything back, and overall they both seem off. Justice looks down before looking back. 

" No, I chose to come so I could understand love more. Jet did say earlier that I-" 

" ANYWAY, lets just forget this ever happened. Now, me, N-Pacer, and Metry are all hanging out today and I'd hate to be late so... Later!" She giggles and dashes off leaving me with the other guardians. I still Justice with a gloomy look on his screen and ask him why he's always listening to Jet. He lowers his head completely and takes off his helmet. I see water coming from the bottom chin as he stares brokenly at me and Fierce. 

" Because I love her but... She will never love me back." He sounds so shattered and hurt that Fierce immediately walks over and puts an arm around him. I do the same and then a sad and broken Justice is shown. Tears pour from his face like a fountain as he explains everything.

" I tried so hard to show her that she means a lot to me but she never took the hint... She even asked once if I liked her and when I told her no she laughed and said "good cause that would just be way too weird and nasty for me." Ha, you know, on that day, all of my hearts felt like they had been ripped out and smashed by her amazing splashdown. But then yesterday, that hug she gave me.... Made me feel that maybe just maybe... I have a small chance to be with her but, her comments can really sting sometimes." One of my hearts hits the floor as I give Justice a tight hug. And once we pull away Fierce drags him by both his shoulders and stares Justice directly in their eyes.

" Justice... I am so sorry, I know love for you has been hard but... I don't think Jet is the right person for you. All she is doing is breaking your heart and if you don't let go... Then you might never find love again. And trust me, I know how much you wanna learn love and actually experience it with a special someone but... Jet isn't that someone. And you as a man need to finally realize that and let her go." Oh my, I actually have never seen this inkling be so... Serious and genuine in like, forever. Justice only seems to tear up more at the bare feet inkling words.

" But, I love her..."

" I know you do but she isn't the one right now and I'm not gonna say " If you love her let her go" cause that's a load of crap."

" Well still, I'm gonna give her a chance. I  wanna keep trying, even if my hearts get broken in the process." Justice whispers so softly that I can barely hear him. Fierce sighs heavily and opens his mouth to say something but then quickly shuts it up. I take this time to say what I wanna say.

" If you say so, and if anything happens you can always come to us." I smile warmly at Justice and Justice puts on a crooked smile before pulling both me and Fierce into a tight hug. 

" Y-You guys are the best." 

" Hell yeah we are. Oh shoot sorry about the cursing." Fierce chuckles and Justice just continues to smile. 

" I don't mind but how about we go do something else. All this heartfelt talk has made me hungry." We nod and all leave the forest together. My friendship with Justice may have gotten slightly closer. But now with things between me and Fierce, after what just happened near the pond. 

I can't tell if our friendship is even friendship anymore. 

We were just... so close.

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