Chapter 1: Percy's Dream

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This is the first chapter of my first boooooook! Hope you like it! 


*Camp Half-Blood*

~Percy's POV~

I was floating on air, looking down on a scence. A scene that wasn't familiar. It was horrid and terrible. The whole place was in chaos.

"AAH! The Death Eaters are here!" a woman shrieked.

People with masks were marching around, burning tents, levitating children and some adults. They, I believe, were the Death Eaters the woman was pertaining to. I felt angry at the Death Eaters. I had this sudden urge to fight, but something else caught my attention. 

"HARRY! HARRY! Harry, come on!" a girl screamed.

"HERMIONE!" a boy with jet-black hair, whom I pressume was Harry, shouted back."Hermione, wait! HERMIO-" he was cut off by someone who had kicked him in the face. Harry fell to the ground and fainted. 


I woke up, my sweat dripping from my neck. I breathed heavily, thinking about what I had just dreamt. 

Was all that real? Did it actually happen? What happened to Harry? Did Hermione find him? What about the Death Eaters? I had so many questions in mind. 

A knock on the cabin's door cut me off from my thoughts.

"Percy! Percy, wake up!" I heard Annabeth say.

"I'm up!" I replied.

"Today's the meeting, remember? You better hurry up or you'll miss it!" she said.

"Yeah! Coming!" I said, getting off my bed and starting to get changed.

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