068. blissful year

Start from the beginning

"How dare you." Larissa says, turning around in her seat to comfort the dog.

"It was an accident. You can't get this pressed over an accident." Sam grumbles.

~ ~ ~

They get to the vet and Sam carries the dog in.

"Help. We need help. The dog needs help." Sam says.

"That way!" Roberta points to the back.

"He just-- he just came out of nowhere, right in front of my car." Sam lays the dog on the table. "We need a doctor. Are you a doctor?"

"The doctor's coming, sir. But I'm not sure--"

"You're not sure what? This is an animal hospital! You save animals." Sam says.

"Okay, Sammy--"

"Sir." Roberta says.

"Save this animal!" Sam yells.

"Sammy, relax. Relax. Breathe." Larissa demands.

"Roberta, can you escort this gentleman and woman out, please?" The vet asks.

"Yes." Roberta answers.

"I did this." Sam says.

"Okay, babe, you're gonna get us kicked out of a damn veterinarian. Just chill out and go." Larissa gently pushes him towards the door and into the waiting room. Roberta goes back behind the desk.

"I am so sorry for him. He just... he gets... loud when he's worried." Larissa tells Roberta. "And-And it's been a long night, which is no reason to yell at you, I'm sorry."

"Thanks." Roberta mumbles and Larissa walks over to where Sam is sitting.

"Be nice." Larissa hisses, pinching his arm.

"Ow." Sam mumbles.

"Look, I know you're stressed and worried about the dog, but don't snap at the people who are going to help him." Larissa whispers.

"Sorry." Sam whispers, running his hands through his hair.

~ ~ ~

After a while, the vet walks out, Sam and Larissa standing up.

"He's sustained some serious internal bleeding. There's at least two leg fractures that I can see right now. But with TLC, he should pull through for you." The vet says.

"Thanks, doctor." Sam sighs in relief.

"Thank you." Larissa tells her.

"You're gonna take the dog?" The vet asks.

"Look, I-I would. He's... not mine." Sam says.

"He's not anybody's." The vet says.

"We spend a lot of time on the road." Sam says.

"Don't you think you're responsible?" The vet asks.

"Why do you think I brought him here?" Sam asks.

"Roberta, could you hand this man and woman a trophy on their way out, please? Well, maybe if you were such an upstanding guy, you wouldn't have hit him in the first place."

"Okay, okay. Can we-- let's just-- tone down the hostility -- both of you, please." Larissa says. "We will take the dog... and not just because you're really good at guilt tripping." She states.

"Wha--" Sam looks at her. Larissa gives him a stern look and Sam sighs. "We'll take the dog."


The two get to the motel with the dog who lays on the floor.

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