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"Okay, I officially concede. I will never outdrink you, Lena. And I will never try to keep up. Promise," I grumble, eyes closed, head pounding like a drum solo.

"Ugh," is all she responds. Guess I'm not the only one absolutely miserable.

Thankfully our drunk selves were smart enough to have the curtains closed. I know we said we would leave today, but I do not want to move. Not just because Yelena is cuddled into my side, but because I'm afraid I might actually fall to pieces. Yet, if it would make this headache go away, I might be okay with it.

"I think we have some water and pain meds on your side of the bed," her raspy morning voice is still sexy as hell, even if my head is splitting open.

I dare to open an eye so I can search the table, finding what we need. I force myself to sit up, earning a groan from Lena.

"Come on, it'll help. Then we can try to sleep again."

We take them as quickly as possible, falling right back into our previous position once we do.


"Yeah?" I whisper.

"Thank you."

I chuckle, "I'm pretty sure it was you that thought to grab the medicine, but you're welcome?"

"No. No. For coming here. For making it more.. bearable to be here. I don't think I could have done any of it without you."

Swallow back the tears. Yelena doesn't need that. And my head might burst from it.

Focus on what Yelena said, how you're helping her through this just by being here. And that feels pretty damn good.

"I'm just glad you want me around," I say more choked up than I hoped I would. "I'm grateful to be here with you, that you let me meet your family and that you brought me to the places that matter to you. I know that wasn't easy. You don't have to do anything alone, star. I'm with you."

I hear her take a deep breath. I kiss her on the forehead. She doesn't have to say anything to me. She's shown me quite a bit of who she is. I get to hold her and keep her safe.

"I love you."

"I love you t-"

She's now hovering over me. "You make me feel safe. Like- like I have something to hold onto. You've been protecting me when I didn't know I needed it. Thank you for being you. I. Love. You."

"I love you too, Lena. Everything about you. And I can't wait to learn everything I can and experience all there is with you," I reach up to trace her chin. "I can't wait to see what the world has to offer us."

She kisses me.

Like she's casting a magic spell, everything floats away. I don't even feel my head. All I feel is the love between the two of us, her soft lips on mine, and I know my world is right here in my arms.

Who knew the cure for a hangover was a kiss from your amazing girlfriend.


"Noooo.  Make it stop."

"If I could, I would." I throw my arm over my head in a failing attempt to drown out the sound of the upset baby in the other room.

Thankfully my head feels better, but that does not mean I was ready to wake up to a crying child. I don't know how parents do it.

"You want me to get us breakfast?"

"I'll go with you."

I know what she means. I plant my feet on the ground and wait for her to latch onto my back.

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