Late Night Rendevous

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Yelena and I hadn't really talked about the true reason I had awkwardly ran out of the room, but I think the talk we did have pushed whatever relationship we have to another level. Helped it grow.

And yeah, I freaked out a bit when she alluded to me being important to her.. but I think our little talk helped me get past that? Or embrace it?

It wasn't long before we were back to hunting Nat down. Cue more days passing without much luck, staring at jumbled words and blank walls. Despite all the, seemingly, never ending roadblocks we've had, we were actually able to come up with some kind of plan moving forward. We've all agreed we can't sit around anymore.

We're all slowly going crazy, needing to actually actively do something to help Nat. Though we've been working hard here, it just isnt enough. The sitting in the small four walled room for.. a couple weeks? Has actually driven us to come up with a decent plan. Yeah, we haven't had much to go on, but we all know Nat the best and I think we started to make head way.

That was all done today and thankfully that plan doesn't go into action for a few days, it's all about timing and with what little we have to go on, we have to time this perfectly. So we have some down time to relax or whatever the hell we want. Relatively.

What I want to do right now is silently make my way down to the kitchen with only the moonlight to guide me. A little dramatic and romantic, maybe.

"Well hello there, blondie," I tease her as I take the seat she has pulled out for me.

"About time, Elle," yeah. She calls me that now. I'm more than okay with it.

"I don't know what you mean," I may be a little late. But that's besides the point and we don't technically have an actual time set anyway.

The vodka is on the table, but we rarely ever actually drink anymore. More just if we feel like it. It's more as a symbol than anything else.

I'd much rather just talk to her.

There's no need for the security blanket the drink first offered. It's no longer a buffer. We can talk and share like we've known each other for years.

No matter the topic of conversation we happened to fall on, I could always rely on feeling safe and at home. She had this effortless way of putting me at ease. Even more so because I don't think she even knows she does it. Unless I'm being more obvious than I thought.

And her laugh. My god. I can't get enough of it. My heart races whenever I get her to laugh, especially when she laughs hard enough to scrunch her nose. The way her eyes light up when she speaks of something she's passionate about. How her hands start to move around as she does. Or how she gets Lila to laugh and Cooper to talk.

And, no. I don't.. I don't know what I'm suppose to do. I don't want to break whatever bond we have by pushing her farther than she wants to go. Not knowing where she stands keeps me at a distance.

It's safer this way. For everyone.

Me trying to start something with Yelena is just.. a bad idea. I can't drag her into all of my shit. She deserves so much more than that.

No matter how much I want to.


I must have zoned out at some point because I'm not sure what she's trying to get my attention for.


"Are you tired?"

"Not really," I answer honestly.

"Then where did you just go right now?" 

"Oh, no where." I shake my head in order to persuade her I'm telling the truth. "What were you saying?"

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