If You Would Kindly Hold Your Breath

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Deep breath in, deep breath out. Repeat the process. Everything is okay, it's going to be okay. It's just a simple question, right? No need to be so damn nervous about it.

But it's Yelena and I don't want to mess this up and it's been going so well but maybe that's all been in my head and she'll say no and everything will be ruined and..

Breathe. Keep breathing.

Oop. Yeah, don't let the eggs burn. That would be embarrassing.

I look over to Lil who is standing at the bottom of the stairs on look out for Lena.

She saw me kind of freaking out this morning and she offered to help. Once she knew what I was doing and why, she just about exploded. Even now she is hopping up and down in excitement. The anticipation is getting to both of us.

"Hurry, Ellie!" She whispers shouts at me.

"I'm trying! I don't want to under or overcook anything!" I'm stressing.

I let out a relieved breath once the eggs are done, meaning all I have to do is plate it up and have it set on the table for Yelena to come down.

Oh, shit. What if she wakes up later than usual? Everything will be cold and it'll be ruined. Fuck. I wish I knew when she would wake up for certain.

We didn't have any safe house to go check or meeting with Clint until way later so with the free time we have today I thought it would be a perfect time to set all of this up.

However, I realize now that she may use this time to sleep in.

We fell asleep in the same bed, of course. But I snuck away earlier, somehow not waking her up. Now I have a fear she may not ever wake up.

Wow. I am really letting my imagination run away form me. Breathe, go back to breathing. Make sure it all looks nice. Nothing is out of place..

"She's coming! She's coming!" Lila squeals out as she runs over to the table.

"Thanks, bug," I give her a small hug and try to gently coax her out of the room. I know she'll hide behind the door and listen, but at least we'll have the illusion of privacy.

Last second I decide to stand up so I can pull the chair out for Lena.

She stumbles into the kitchen in her sweats and one of my T-shirt's rubbing the sleep out of her eyes. My heart skips about 25 beats.

I'm also grateful I opted to stay in my sweats instead of dressing up a bit. We're both comfortable in these and comfortable with each other. It fits us.

"It smells really good- what's all this?" She's very perplexed by the whole set up, gesturing to it with her hand, her eyes only half open.

I look at the table and start rambling, "well I have, um, some omelettes just the way you like them along with some strawberry pancakes." I see her staring at the middle of the table. "Um, hot sauce and syrup for toppings, of course. We don't have to drink the vodka but I figured it was our staple and we had to have it. Uh- I have mimosas as an actual drink unless you prefer something else, of course!" Then I spot the candle set in the middle, terror strikes me, that was a horrible idea. I don't know if she likes candles. "Do you like candles? I can get rid of the candle."

I go to move the candle form the table, blowing it out nervously. Then after being frozen in time, she moves, stopping me from removing the candle.

"I like the candle," she whispers.

"Okay," I put it back.

She chuckles, nervously? "Um, I can see the food. It smells delicious. Thank you.. but.. why?"

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