We Try

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"Oh, shit!" I light up, my previous conundrum lost to the world as I remember my little secret. "Follow me, dove."

I'm about to run, but I turn back in just enough time to see the red spread over her cheeks all the way to her cute ears. Hah. Another keeper.

"Well, are you coming with me, or not?" I smirk.

She still doesn't move.

I take a large step, holding out my hand. "Trust me?"

That gets her, she smiles, letting me pull her along.

"Where are we going, doll?" Oof. There goes the breath from my lungs. I feel my heartbeat in my ears. Good thing she can't see my reaction. Because her accent and that name.. it's doing things to me.

Not the focus right now.

I pull her to the back yard, running down the stairs from the deck, slowing only once we reached the kids. Their giggles reaching us from our spot.

"You're showing me.. your siblings playing in the dirt?" She asked very confused.

"Not exactly..." I pull her a little closer, watching for her reaction for when she finally spots the-

"No fucking way! Dani!" The look of pure joy on her face will forever be the best sight I've seen. "You didn't!"

"I did!" I match her excitement.

"No freaking way. Holy shit. How did you? When?"

"Do you really want to hear the answers right now, or would you rather go join the kids that have your puppy?"

Her eyes somehow grow wider, "my puppy?!"

"Yup. If I remember correctly, this little lady had stolen your heart at the animal shelter. I was a little jealous at first, sure. However, she is very adorable and fluffy. Hard to compete with that," I shrug my shoulders, trying to sell the fake story.

"You little shit. You're incredible, do you know that? No puppy could compete with you, doll." Shit. She got me. Then she kisses me. Is she trying to kill me? My heart can't take this. "I can't believe you got me a dog."

"You deserve the world, even if your world is a dog.." I hold my breath, smirking to hopefully hide it, wondering if she remembered the corny line I told her.. months ago?

She shakes her head, "a dog is great. But I want you. You're my world, now. And hopefully for the years to come."

"Yeah?" Okay now my heart is actually bursting with happiness, my smile stretching beyond capacity. I don't care if that's corny. I guess I'm a corny person. Who knew?

"Yup. You, me and Fanny."


"Yeah. That's her name," she kisses me on the cheek, then officially leaves me for a dog.

I'm being dramatic.

I join them. I bought a bunch of toys and food and treats and.. well, anything I think a dog could possibly need.

Clint and Laura join us soon enough, though not as entirely excited about the idea of a puppy in the house, they couldn't deny its cuteness or how happy it's making everyone.

Bit of a morale booster, if I say so.

It - Fanny- really is for Lena, though. I want to give her the world. Apparently that's me to her. Damn. I'll do my best to live up to that. For her.

I've felt pretty lost for many years not really having a place I'd call home. I have one now. It's her. She's my home, my stars, my world.

My heart is seriously so full right now.. I didn't know this was a feeling. Sure, all the books tell you about it. But to actually experience it? Unbelievable. Remarkable. Spectacular. Indescribable.

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