Tipped Over the Edge

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Dinner. This bitch stayed for dinner. Took my spot next to Lena, too. Everyone seems to be infatuated with her for some reason, like they've known her for years. Like they've been through something with her.

Like she was their daughter, their sister, their friend or..

Like I was replaced with some bubbly, awkward-yet- somehow- still- charming, taller version of me.

Sure, we have the same color hair. But seriously? When did this even happen? They literally have inside jokes.

Laura and Clint love her. It's clear to see that she's the daughter they wanted; she must hold some super power I'm not aware of. There has to be something about her to make them all love her so much.

Love her more than me.

No one has said more than 7 words to me, and they were just asking me to pass the bread.

Why am I even sitting here eating with them? It's my own torture.

Because I need to know.

What she has that I don't. What draws them all to her. How she has this power over them.

What is really getting under my skin is how she is with Lena. Always has to be touching her. Always smiling at her. And that look in her eye..

And I can't even do anything about it. Because I'm sitting on the other end of the table. My knuckles go white as I try my best to snap this damn fork in half.

It is very hard to keep my cool right now. I don't even know if I want to.

"So, Kate, how's the shooting coming?"

This peaks my interest enough to draw my attention away from the intruder hogging Lena. I am definitely listening more intently now. The tad bit of anger rising even more.

"It's great! Bullseye every time. Those tips really helped, thanks Clint."

Look at that proud fatherly smile he has right now.

"Oh, it was no problem. You're a natural, just thought they might make you perfect."

They laugh. That wasn't even a joke?

I'm perfect. I have perfect aim. I'm a perfect shot in everything; guns, bow and arrow, knives.. even cornhole! Nothing I do is enough.

"You'll be a superhero in no time," he smiles, patting her shoulder.

Ugh, the way she looks at him. Like he's the perfect dad. Someone to aspire to.

She has no idea.

I guess she's the perfect daughter and he's the perfect impression of a dad to her. I would almost find it endearing if it didn't make me want to gag.

How come he was never that way with me?

This dinner is going on for far longer than we've ever had dinner together. Everyone's done with their food, they are choosing to stay and talk. And not about the missions or how I should have asked them before getting a dog..

Speaking of, I'll go feed her. Poor baby must be starving by now. Seems as though Kate draws all the attention, I'm clearly not needed.

No one noticed when I left. Shocker. Point proven.

The poor pup was whining so I let her run free for a bit. She's been a really good dog; no accidents, doesn't run off, comes back when called.

I think it's the only reason the Barton's have let her stay.

I sit down on the ground and she comes bounding over to me.

"Ah, that's my girl, huh? Such a good pup, Fanny." I pet her belly as her tongue lolls to the side . "Yeah, you love me, don't you?"

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