This Is How We Have Fun

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Yelena and I were up a little later than we had really wanted to be the next morning, but to be fair we were also up a whole lot later than we usually were.

We didn't really wait around for anyone else before jumping right into the food making.

We, mostly Yelena, had come up with a menu for today and I was very excited to eat all of it. Of course I had to assist in the making of it first. Not as fun, but essential.

With the long list of food we had to make, we immediately got started cutting up the multitude of fruits and veggies we would need.

I started up the Alexa, having her play a more upbeat playlist so Yelena and I could sing along as we went. We tried to keep it quite so everyone could sleep, but sometimes you get carried away.

We'd already been cutting and cooking for an hour and there was no one else in sight. Which is a little odd. There's seven of us total so it can be hard to avoid people. I know, I tried to do that for the first few days I was here.

I had just finished cutting up some broccoli for the broccoli salad (I know, I know, but it's actually delicious; there's bacon) when I Want To Dance with Somebody by Whitney Houston starts to play.

A wide smile forms as I brush my hands off, gently placing one on Yelenas shoulder. "May I have this dance?" I ask once she's turned to see what I wanted.

A small blush forms on her cheeks as she takes my hand. I slowly start to dance us around the kitchen, quietly (so as to not hurt her ears) singing along to the song.

Oh, I wanna dance with somebody
I wanna feel the heat with somebody
Yeah, I wanna dance with somebody
With somebody who loves me

And I swear the world around us comes to a complete stop. Even the music is drowned out, barely noticeable as background noise. My focus is entirely on her entrancing eyes, except for the brief moment my eyes flicker down to her soft lips and the way they curl into a smile.

Was that her breath hitching?

My eyes are back on hers.. that were looking at my lips, too. My brain gets all fuzzy as I slowly lean in, not wanting to make the wrong move but not being able to stop myself from trying.


She's leaning in, too.

"What the fuck are you doing?"

I don't think I've jumped away from anything or anyone so quickly in my life.

I spin around to meet the curious gaze of Clint, "uh-"

"We're making some salads and stuff for a barbecue tonight!" Yelena jumps in, apparently she isn't as flustered as I am. Maybe I misread that.

"Oh?" He's smirking, looking at me as he talks, "a barbecue, you say?"

"Yes! Dani is going to grill up some food a little later, around lunch time probably. We have salads and desserts to go with the burgers and hot dogs. And we'll have some games."

She grabs my attention and I just know I'm looking at her with a smile that says 'I adore you' in about 8 languages.

"Well, I look forward to it. If you need my help with anything, just let me know. I'll be outside doing chores." He is still smirking as he walks out the door.

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