Chapter Thirty-Five: Hell Has Returned

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It has been a good few months and Bella has come to see  Renesmee but Jake is always with her and so are Embry and Caroline we were sitting in the living room as Bella, Renesmee, and Jake come in and  Renesmee says " Say it, momma." I looked at Bella and she said: " I'm sorry about how I acted towards you I stop talking to my mother altogether and my dad said something that made me think I just want to be in my daughter's life you don't have to believe me but I just want to be here for her." I looked at Carlisle and said: " She's telling the truth Carlisle she's not lying." He looked at her and said: " You can stay here for a month but if anyone gets hurt I will kill you." She nodded and she went to play with  Renesmee she even apologize to Bonnie which shocked all of us it's been a month and the twins are starting to learn how to walk Elena put Harmony on the sofa and Harmony tried to roles off and before I could get to her Bella caught her just before she could hit the ground and said: " You are a fast little thing, huh you almost give your mommy a heart attack." Bella looks at her head and handed her to me and said: " She's fine you can breathe now." I grabbed Harmony and said: " Thank you, Bella, I forgive you." She looked at me and smiled and said: " Thank you for that come on Renesmee do you want to see the snowflakes." As they were leaving I said: " Can I and the girls come with you I'm sure they would love to play in the snow." Bella looked at me and said: " Sure I will help you dress them for the cold." As we were changing them Bella looked at me and said: " I wish Renesmee would stay the way she s forever she is growing so fast." I looked at Bella and said: " I know sometimes I look at Harmony and Skylar and even though they age like human children I just want them to be this small forever." The next thing I know my mom and dad walk in and my mom said: " How are my two beautiful girls." Bella looks confused for a minute and momma said: " I know what your mom did to you and what she put in your head so I'm not mad at you, you were just a child who looked up to her mother and always thought she knew best which she told you was hating us." Bella hugged her and said: " Thank you I'm so sorry." My mom looked at her and said: " All's forgiven" Momma looked at me and said: " I will cook since you are taking them to play in the snow." I hugged her and said: " Thanks, Momma." We leave and we all go up to the mountain and play in the snow after a few minutes Renesmee caught a snowflake and I smell someone I look back and see Irina Renesmee ask who it was and as she grabbed the girls and  Irina looked confused for a second and looked at the girls and Bella calls her and she runs away I was about to go to but Bella looked at me and said: " Stay with the girls in case she comes back." I nodded and after a few minutes  Bella comes back and says " She ran away." We go back to the house and we tell them what happens Carlisle calls our cousins and they said she was coming here to apologize for what she said at my wedding as I was getting bottles for the twins as Carlisle and Esme were playing chess Carlisle said he would teach me one day as Edward was playing the piano I go into a vision and I see Alice and we looked to see the Volturi here in Forksas we come out of it Carlisle and Jasper runs to us and Jasper said: " What did you see." Alice looked at it us and said: " The Volturi is coming after us." I looked at Carlisle and said: " When will this end the moment we found some peace we are back fighting again." He looked at me and said: " This will not be a fight Irina showed them what she saw but we can find witnesses and we will talk to them no one is fighting." I looked at him and said: " I think I'm ready Carlisle." He looked at me and said: " No not now we agreed you would live a longer human life." I looked at him and said: " You know if I'm not a vampire by the time they get here Marcus will use that to start a fight." He looked at me and kissed me and I said: " Hey I will still be the same old me but with fangs." He laughed and said: " I will call Klaus and tell them it's time." Edward looked at me and said: " Why do we need to call them Stefan is here." Stefan looked at Edward and said: " She will need to be compelled after she drinks human blood so she won't ever hurt a human." He looked at me and said: " Why Bella was fine." I looked at him and said: " I'm going to be a different vampire and I am going to be a tribrid I'm going to be stronger and my smell will be stronger." He looked at me and said: " Your bloodlust will be stronger." I nodded and he said: " Well why don't we turn her into a cold one." I looked at him and Bonnie said: " Even if we did she could lose her magic and he smell would still be stronger there is no way out of it plus it will take longer to be turned into a cold one it will only take a day to be turned into a nightwalker vampire." Carlisle came back into the room and said: " I called them they are on their way." I looked at momma and said: " Are you going to be ok with this." She looked at me and said: " We both will at least we aren't really losing you." The Mikalsons get her and Klaus said: " Are you sure about this what happen." I looked at him and said: " The Volturi is coming after my family I have never been more sure in my life." He nods and walks into Carlisle's office I hug momma and I go to the girls and said: " Mommy will be back I promise I will never leave you I promise."  I kissed their heads and I go into his office and Carlisle said: " I will be here with you the whole time." I nodded and Elijah bites his arm and I drink it Kalus looked at me and said: " I'm so sorry about this." He snapped my neck and all I see is black after that. 

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