Chapter Nine: Evil Bella

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We all woke up in the morning and I decided to make breakfast and Esme helped when the kids smelled food I could hear them getting ready for school I was still in my pj's I see Sophie and Jeremy and Sophie begs me to match with her so I do Esme says she can finish cooking while I go change I go chance and Carlisle kisses me and goes downstairs to eat and I wear this 

Keyvon's outfit 

Sophie's outfit 

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Sophie's outfit 

We go downstairs and being the pick energy drink and say " Eat first and if you are tried drink it and there is a little blood in the fridge I know so people had a problem sleeping for the first time after a long time

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We go downstairs and being the pick energy drink and say " Eat first and if you are tried drink it and there is a little blood in the fridge I know so people had a problem sleeping for the first time after a long time."  We all eat and Carlisle nods his head and says " We have something to tell yall and you may not like it." He looks at me and I say " When we met Bella when Edward brings her we will be nice now I know some of you may not like this but it is for Edward, not Bella." Rosalie looks at me and says " But she is human and an evil one at that." I look at her and say " And we are werewolves Carlisle told me about the laws." She looks at me and says " But you are his mate and yall are our new family the Volturi will understand that." I looked at her and say " There is a chance she is his mate now I don't like this either but if she is his mate then we will have to get used to her." She looked at me and say " She is a blood singer, not a mate and she tried to kill our sister." I look her and said: " Then we will see when she gets here but for now we be the bigger people you to Sophie I know you all hate this we do too but I just want you all to be happy even if that means Bella is the thing that makes Edward happy." She looks at me and says " I am not mad at you all you are trying to do is be a good mom and the bigger person."  We all finish and get ready for school it was a really good day so far into lunch we were all sitting down talking when Bella came up to the table and said: " Keyvon can we talk please alone." I looked at her like she was crazy and said: " No Bella if you need to talk you can sit here with me and my family." Rosalie held my hand like she didn't want me to leave and she said: " But I really want to talk to you alone." I got up and Rosalie wouldn't let go I looked at her and nodded she let go and I talk to Bella but I was still close to the Cullens so they could hear us she looked at me and said: " What did you tell Edward about me and why is he not here." I looked at her and said: " I told him nothing and he went to go see his cousins why." She looked at me and said: " You told him something when we were in class he acted as if he hated me." I looked at her and said: " Well I know that Edward has low blood sugar maybe that is what happened when we left school the day he left I had to cook him some food when we got home because his blood sugar was low." She looked at me and grabbed my arm and I see Rosalie and Alice and Sophie were about to move but I told the boys to keep them there I looked at Bella and said: " Look I don't know what is going on with you and Edward but you need to let me go before you have no fucking teeth I tried to talk to you nicely." She lets me go and says " What do they think you're a nice person you are nothing but a bitch who wants their money I mean look at the necklace he got you he is already buying you stuff but I will take that." She tries to take it off my neck but it burns her I didn't do that she looks at me and says " How did you do that what are you hiding." I looked at her and say " It's a family heirloom and it is hot because I had put it in the jewelry cleaner before I put it on this morning that's why my jacket is on and if you ever try to take my grandmother's necklace again I will kill you this is the only thing I have left of her." I walk away and sit at the table and I can see the girls want to rip her head off and I say " Girls don't you do anything to her she will get what is coming to her." Sophie looks at me and laughs and says " You sound like mom I guess dating Carlisle has really changed you." I look at her and say: Yeah I guess it did." Jasper touched my necklace and it didn't burn him I looked at him and said: " Now what if you would have gotten hurt you dumbass." He looked at me and laugh and said: " How come the necklace burned her but not me were you mad at her." I look at him and said: " No I was thinking about Carlisle the whole time she was talking." As we were about to start talking about it the bell rang and it was time for class told the Cullens that I would have every other day with them so I could be with my mom It was time to go home and Carlisle came and picked me up and he said: " I know you have to have some fun with your mother today but I am going to miss you." I looked at him and said: " Carlisle you are going to be sleeping in my bed how hard can it be not being with me for one day." As we pulled up into the driveway he kissed me and pulled me into his lap and said: " Let me sever you my queen please." The same words that made me want to cum last night I looked at him and said: " My king we need to stop before this goes too far." He looked at me and says " Tell me to stop my queen and I will you tell me what to do remember you're in control." I looked at him and I felt his hard cock and I started to grinned my hips I need it after last night that was all I could think about thank god Edward is not here I need a mind blocking spell He looks at me and says " I really wish I had my collar my queen I love when you pull me around and tell me what to do." He started to roll my shirt up and I said: " Last time I checked I was in charge do you remember your queen's rules are  my king or do I need to teach you again." He looked at me and said: " I learn my lesson, my queen, please let me eat you that's all I want I want to cum inside you please." I looked at him and pulled his hair and said: " You may please your queen and when I cum twice them you get to cum." As we were about to get undressed a hear a man's voice and I knew it was my dad he said: Keyvon Nicole Doster if you don't get out of this damn car right now." I looked out  the window and see my dad and said: " Why did he have to come now." He looked at me and said: I may can't see you but I can hear you get out of the car." 


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