Chapter Thirty-Two: Family Comes To Town

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It's been a week and I have been recording songs while my belly just gets bigger Jake has been looking for Bella and she hasn't said anything today we meet Caroline, Bonnie, and Elena at the airport today as I was getting ready Carlisle hugged me and grabbed my breast they got a little bigger but not a lot which I was happy for I mean I am already a 39D I really didn't want to get bigger He kissed me and said: " You ready to get your sisters." I looked at him and kissed him and said: " Yes I really need them here maybe they can stop me from killing Bella." He looked at me and kissed down my body and kissed my breasts and started to suck on the I felt my milk coming out of my breast and it felt good and he looked at me and stopped and said: " It tastes so good it's sweet I just want to fuck you." He started sucking them again I moan a little and then Hayley opened the door and said: " Omg sorry." She hurried to close the door I looked at Carlisle and laughed and said: " We need to get ready come on we can have play time later." He kissed me and we go take a shower he put my breast back in his mouth and looked at me and started sucking them I looked at him trying not to moan giving in to what he wanted he looked at me and said: "They're going to be so lucky do you want to know why." I looked at him and said: " Why is that, my King ." He kissed my neck and said: " Because their mommy's milk is so sweet." He started sucking my breast again and I moan and said: " Stop I can think about this while I feed the girls that would be wrong." He looked at me and said: " No it won't you want to know why." I looked at him and moaned as he grabbed my breasts trying to get more milk out and he said: " Because you will only think of this when you look at me you will use a breasts pump for them remember because you don't want people seeing your breast so I will be the only one sucking them." He sucked them more as he pushed his cock into me and I said: " Omg I missed this so much mhmm more." He looked at me and said: " You like that huh I may suck on your breast in the car." As he says that I cum he pushed into me a few times I looked at him and said: " Don't cum inside me the babies remember." He pulled out and came on the wall and kissed me and said: " You ready my queen we need to go or we will be late." I looked at him and nodded he help me out of the shower we get ready and I put on this. 

We walk out of our room and Hayley said: " Did you two have fun this morning

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We walk out of our room and Hayley said: " Did you two have fun this morning." I looked at her and said: " Yeah I did." She looked at me and said: " Don't feel bad Klaus had to do that to me too or I would have been a bitch all day." I laughed and Bella looked at me and said: " Let me guess your friends are coming today I still don't want them here." I looked at her and said: " When that baby comes out and you become a vampire I am going to fight you bitch."  Carlisle pulled me away from Bella and Hayley said: " Maybe Carlisle should have helped you a little more this morning." I looked at her and laugh and she said: " You know you have a performance today everyone will know you are pregnant." I looked at her and said: " That's why I wore big clothes so people would think I was pregnant when we told them about Hood girls." She looked at me and nodded and we go get the girls as we wait he starts kissing my breast and holding my belly again and then we heard a scream Carlisle growled and I said: " It's Caroline I know that scream from anywhere." They walked up to us and she hugged me not too tight and said: " Omg you have a pregnancy glow and you must be Carlisle."  She hugged him and I said: " They are huggers." I hug Bonnie and I see her happy and pregnant with Edward I was pulled out of my vision but Carlisle touched me and Bonnie said: " My mate is your son." Everyone looked at us shocked and I said: " I had a vision of her and Edward together and she was pregnant." Carlisle looked at me and said: " But if the baby is killing Bella won't it kill her." I looked at him and said: " No in my vision she was perfectly healthy." As we get in the car Elena said: " Damon will be here tomorrow is that ok." I looked at her and said: " Stefan found his mate so I am sure he won't have a problem with you being around yours." She smiled and Bonnie said: " What if he doesn't leave Bella." I looked at her and said: " He will he just thought he would never have a mate so he married her but he never loved her." She nodded and Elena and Caroline hugged her as we walked to the house we hear Bella say " Why don't you hug and cuddle me as Carlisle does with Keyvon you acted like you don't love me." As we walk in he said: " You tried to hit Hope for dropping water and she was trying to help you sorry I told you to stop acting like a bitch to a child." She looked at me and said: " You should always be on my side no one else but you don't get that love is you always being with me and no one else I am your wife." He looked at her and said: " I don't love you." Everyone looked shocked for a second because he finally said it and he said: " Mom was right you only care about yourself I can read the baby's mind and she can read yours and she said you didn't want her you just wanted to be a vampire she knows you are going to leave when you give birth to her and so do I." I looked at him and said: " You did the right thing you were always right." He looked at me and then Bonnie and then ran and hugged her and he said: " It's her momma I know it is she is my mate I don't know how to show you but she is." I looked at him and said: " I know I had a vision when we got them." She looked at him and said: "My name is  Bonnie what is your." He looked at her and said: " Edward you Keyvons friends it is nice to meet you." Alice just smiled and I said: " you had the vision before didn't you." She looked at me and said: " I had the vision when you were on the phone with her." Edward looked at me and said: " What do you mean by I am right." I looked at him and said: " You were right to marry Bella because if you didn't you won't have this baby that you love so much." Bella screamed and said: " She needs to leave he is my husband and this is my family leave or I will kill you when I become a vampire." Bonnie hit her breaking point when she was about to hurt Bella but she stopped and said: " That's our baby." I looked at her Edward grabbed her as she was about to fall and I said: " She must have seen her further with the baby." He looked at her and then me and said: " What does that mean." I ask Hope to get Bonnie some water and siad: " Bella's baby is her baby too." Bella looked at me and said: " She will never be around my baby." He looked at her and said: " Now you want our child if she can't know Bonnie then she will never know you I will let you die." She looked shocked he said that and I said: " I will let you name her and see her she is your baby I would never take her mother away but she will know everything you have done and she will know Bonnie and you will get what you want to be a vampire." She looked at me and before she could say anything Jake walked in the door and saw Bella we explained everything to him and he said he would be there for Bella because he loved her I touched him and I saw him imprinting on her baby and her trying to get him to love her again I was snapped out of my vision by Jake saying "You're pregnant so why is it not killing you." I looked at him and siad: " You better not let Rosalie hear you saying that she has a soft spot for babies I am a werewolf so I am strong so I can hold my baby girls." He looked at me and said: " There girls." I looked at him and said: " Yeah and we need to get their room ready." He nodded his head and Hayley said: " Come on we need to get to the award show so you can sing." Everyone but Jake and Bella left and we went to the award show and I sang this song. 

I go to Carlisle and he says " Are you ok." I looked at him and said: " I am ok it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be." After a few days of people asking me who the father was we made this music video and after that, I told them I wouldn't be making music for a while and they said that was ok.

After we watched the video we talked about why the Wolves were coming after Bella's baby we made a plan and we all went to sleep Carlisle held my belly as we went to sleep.  


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