Chapter Twelve: Meeting The Family

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As we are getting ready they are downstairs cooking and I, Sophie, and Mom are sageing the house as we get done I go up to Carlisle and say " Where are Alice and Jasper." He hugs me and says " They when hunting and why do you smell like bacon." I looked at mom and said: " I told you sage smelled liked bacon." He kissed me and then Bella walked in and she said: " It's nice to meet you all." Rosalie was so mad but I was trying to calm her down but it wasn't working she looked at me and said: " You know and you didn't tell me." I looked at her and said: " Yeah I am Carlisle's mate and it was not my secret to tell." She looks at me and said: " Why did your necklace burn me." I look at her and but Edward says " What are you talking about Keyvon you said you would give her a chance." I looked at him and said: " I am giving her a change my necklace did that not me she tried to take it from me." He looked at Bella and she said: " When Jasper touched it he didn't get burned it was you." Rosalie finally went off and said: Well Jasper doesn't want Keyvon dead but you do tell Edward that let's pretend like this won't get us all killed." Edward looked at Bella and said: " You want to kill her what did she ever do to you to make you want to kill her." Bella looked and said: " I don't want to kill her I never have." As she says that Jasper walks in and looked at Edward and he said: " Well if you weren't going to break us up why is your mind and Carlisle blocked from me." I looked at him and said: " She put in your head that I was going to hurt her didn't she, I may not like her but I would never hurt you, and the reason our minds are blocked is not a bad one ok." He looked and Bella said: " I don't trust her she has never liked me." I looked at her and as I was about to say something my mom said: Show him and show her while you at it a hard head makes a soft behind." I looked at Carlisle and he nodded and I unblocked our minds from Edward  and showed Bella all they say was I and Carlisle have sex and a lot of other things after they saw it Bella looked mad and Edward just sit on the sofa and said: Block your minds I never want to see that again you fuck like bunny rabbits." We all laugh and I looked at Edward and say " You see why I blocked our minds from you now don't you." Carlisle looked at Edward and said: " Now you need to apologize for thinking Keyvon would hurt any of us and Bella you need to apologize for telling him we were hiding something from him."  I looked at Edward and he said: " I'm sorry I was just scared." I hugged him and said: " I know you were scared I'm not mad at first I thought everyone would hate me at first." Bella looked at me and said sorry I know it was fake and so did everyone else Carlisle was about to say something when I said: " Who's ready to eat." Emmett ran to the table and sit right in chicken we all looked and laughed dinner was going great Intell Bella said: " You know Keyvon lit a car on fire." I looked at them and said: " That's when I first go my powers I was not in control of them then." They nodded and Bella looked mad that it didn't work she looked at me and smiled and said: " Where you mad at someone I mean from what I heard all witches have a book of murder spells." I looked at her and I see Rosalie break her fork I grabbed her hand and said: " Yes witches do have books like that but these spells were made when someone killed the people they loved like their kids and husbands." She looked at me and said: " But you have a temper I mean when we were kids it was so easy to get you mad." I look at Bella and say " Well I changed a lot over the years I had to tame my beast so my magic won't get out of hand." She looked at me and said: " Well how you acted at school maybe you need to get away for a while to make sure it is safe for you to be around people." I looked at her and said: " Oh that was not my magic that was normal me if it was my magic I would have set them on fire." She looked at me shocked and before she could say anything Esme said: " How was school." I looked at her and said: " I have to perform at the talent show and I was going to as if Rosalie and Alice could help me with my look." Alice looked at me and said: " Of course, we will we can go shopping the day before." Bella looks at us and said: " I remember you couldn't sing at all." I looked at her she knows I love singing but I looked at her and said: " You never went to church with us Bella I always sang in church." She looked at me and then as she was about to say something Edward said: " I heard her sing in music class she's really good." Carlisle looks at me and says " We will all be there to see you sing." Emmett says " There is a storm next week that means it will be Keyvon's and Bella's first time playing baseball with us."  I look at him and nodded know if we don't tell her Edward will anyway  Edward took her on a tour of the house I put a spell on our doors so she can't get in them and after that, they leave when Jasper gives the ok we start talking Rosalie says " She is a real bitch she was trying to find a way to make Keyvon leave us." I looked at Rosalie and said: " it took everything in me not to hit her in the face and Carlisle you are the clam one I can deal with her." He looks at me and hugs me and says " You shouldn't have to deal with her it's like king Herny all over again." I looked at Carlisle and laugh and say " Me, Alice, Esme, and Rosalie were going to go shopping for next week." Carlisle looks at me and says "  We got you a gift for the baseball game next week but you have to close your eyes." I close my eyes and Rosalie puts her hands on my eyes and Carlisle says " Are you ready." I giggle and say " Yes show me." Rosalie moves her hands from my eyes and I see this 

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