Chapter Seven: Girls Trip

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The girls get ready and I and Sophie go to the house to get ready my mom is in the shower getting ready already I get in the shower and I put this in 

Keyvon's outfit 

Keyvon's outfit 

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Sophie's outfit

We go to get the girls and they are already ready we all get in Rosalie's truck since we are going shopping Carlisle comes outside and kisses me and says " You look really good here

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We go to get the girls and they are already ready we all get in Rosalie's truck since we are going shopping Carlisle comes outside and kisses me and says " You look really good here." He hands me his bank card and I look at him and say " No I couldn't take it I have my own I will be fine." He looked at me and said, " Take it I want you to please." I looked at him and as I was about to say no Stefen laughed and said: " She is not going to use it if she does take it she will keep it in her pocket." I looked at him as I was about to say something Carlisle looks  at Rosalie and said " Make sure she uses my card and to make sure you do us it." He vamps speeds around me and takes my bank card out of my pocket I walk up to Carlisle to get it back he put his hand up knowing I am short as hell and can't get in so I say " Carlisle this is your last warning give me my bank card back now." He looks at me and laughs and says " I love when you're mad at me you make that cute little face." I jump to get my bank card and I wasn't even close he looks at me and says " Oh you were so close maybe next time I will give you this back after dinner." He looked at me knowing I was going to pay for dinner I look at Stefen and said: " You told him I was going to pay for dinner didn't you." Stefen looked at me and laughed and said " No I didn't but you just did." I look at Carlisle and before I could say anything he says " I know you Keyvon you love doing nice things for your family and you feel like you need to pay for everything because your mom showed you how to be independent but you don't have to pay for everything." I look at him and say " Fine can I please get a hug before we go." He puts my card in his pocket and as we hug I go to his back pocket I was so mad then I see Jasper and he has my card in his hand and then Carlisle kisses my head and said: " Nice try I say that coming a mile away." I looked at Jasper and said: " You to man." Jasper looks at me and said, " Yep you act a lot like Alice when I was first dating her she wanted to pay for everything herself so I got it when he put it in his pocket have a good day girls." And they all leaves and Rosalie laughs and Alice looks at me and says " Yall get used to it that is just one of the ways they show their love." We get in the jeep and this song comes on 

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