Chapter Three: First Date Again

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I woke up to see Carlisle was not there I thought I dreamed the whole thing into I saw a letter on my nightstand and it said: " Went to go work on our date you will find a gifted in your closet and put your hair up you will find another gifted in your nightstand I know you will look beautiful like always have a good day I will come and get you a 10:00. Love Carlisle." I looked at it and I smiled it was not a dream I thought I when to the bathroom and took a shower and I looked in my closet and saw this 

That's when my sister came in and said " He reves you mom is ok with this we all are we just want you to find yourself there are two of you need to learn the other side of you I know we do everything together but I can't go don't this road with yo...

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That's when my sister came in and said " He reves you mom is ok with this we all are we just want you to find yourself there are two of you need to learn the other side of you I know we do everything together but I can't go don't this road with you I am not in this story with you it is 9:00 you better get ready do you want us to help you." I look behind her and I see Sammy, Mom, and Aunt Molina  and I look at them and say " You are all ok with this Mom I thought you would be mad I mean he is like hundred years old and I am seventeen." My Mom looked at me and said: " I am not mad Keyvon you have a whole other life that you know nothing about and he wants to help you and you seem to like him and he seems to like you so give him a chance." I looked at her and said, " Thanks Momma well can you all help me get ready wait before we start he said he had something for me inside my nightstand." My Mom looked like she knew what it was I open the nightstand and saw this 

I looked at it and my momma looked at me a sighed like she thought it was a bad thing I looked and said: " It is so beautiful now let's get me ready for one of the best days of my life

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I looked at it and my momma looked at me a sighed like she thought it was a bad thing I looked and said: " It is so beautiful now let's get me ready for one of the best days of my life." They looked at me and we got me ready 



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