Chapter Twenty-Nine: Honeymoon Finally

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Today was Sophie's wedding and it was so beautiful I love seeing her so happy turns out when Jake got Bella's invention for her wedding he left we were watching a movie Carlisle looked at me and kissed my head and said: " Just two more days into our honeymoon just you and me." He looked at me and said: " Where are we going Klaus said he told you it's the someplace Freya went with her wife." I looked at him and said: " Yeah it's this island they bought they know about nightwalker vampires so since we have our rings on they will think your a nightwalker and I will tell them I am a hybrid there will be no problem because The Mikaelsons own the whole island." He kissed me and Bella said: " Wait you are going on your honeymoon when we leave I thought it would be when we got back." I looked at her and said: " No we are all going on our honeymoons in two days." She looked at me and said: " You can't leave everyone here by themselves Carlisle maybe you two can go on your honeymoon next month." I looked at her and I said: " And here I thought you changed that finally, you were over trying to get Carlisle but no you are still the same old you." She looked at me and said: " That's why you all were so nice to me because you thought I changed." I looked at her and said: " Why are you still doing this you are about to marry Edward I am married to Carlisle and yet you still can't let anyone but yourself  be happy." She looked at me and before she could say anything I said: " Save your words I am going to paint Hope, Klaus, Alice do you want to come with me." Hope looked at me and I picked her up we go to the art studio and I paint these two pieces. 

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Bella came in and said: " Why would I change when you keep secrets from me

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Bella came in and said: " Why would I change when you keep secrets from me." I looked at her and said: " This was a test to see if you really changed and then I would have told you but you haven't changed at all it always has to be about you." I mean you had a bachelorette party and your wedding is coming soon two things that we made all about you and you still aren't happy with that no you have to go on your honeymoon first and make the rest of us wait for even more that's  not fair." She looked at me and said: " You haven't even waited that long you can wait one more damn month."I looked at her and said: " I have waited four days for my honeymoon Sophie is going to wait three days for her honeymoon but you right after your wedding you get to go on your honeymoon so we will not wait any longer to please you and to let you know I will be at that wedding for my son, not you." I go back to painting and she says " Why do you keep painting stuff like that it's a good thing Carlisle can't have kids because you would be a horrible mother." I see red as those words leave her mouth before I could get to her Carlisle came into the room and pinned me to the wall and says " My Queen look at me don't listen to her you would be a great mother you are a great mother." Hope looks at me and Klaus comes to hold on to me and she says " I can help Auntie Keke but I need to touch her" As she was about to touch me Bella moved Hope behind her and said: " No she could kill a child see this is why she would be a horrible mother she can't control her anger." The next thing I know Hayley had Bella pinned on the wall by her throat and said: " Hope,  go help, Auntie Keke, again ok just like last time."   She walks up to me and grabs my hand and closes her eyes and I see my twin girls and I am doing their hair one of them doesn't want their hair done it looks like we were going to church the next thing I know I am pulled out of my vision by someone calling my name I look and see I am on the ground holding Hope in my arms I looked at Carlisle and said: " I want to go back I love that place it is my happy place." He looked at me Hope goes to her mother and Carlisle hugged me and said: " It will be real soon I promise we will have our two little girls." No one heard what he said but me I hugged him and kissed him I looked at Bella and I walked toward her and I slap her and said: "The only reason you are not dead is because of Hope so you should be thanking her when your wedding is over we are leaving for three weeks and only call if Edward is dying." She looked at me and said: " What about me what if I am in trouble." I looked at her and said: " What's new you are always in trouble and I don't care." I look at my mom and said: " Mom can we talk please I just want some mother-daughter time." She looked at me and said: " We can go home are you can take me to a cute little spot in the woods." I nodded we get in the car and I take her to the flower field as we get out of the car my mom says "  This is beautiful how did you find it." I looked at her and said: " Carlisle takes me here when we need peace of mind from everything thing else can I ask you a question momma." She looked at me and said: " What is wrong Nicole." I looked at her and said: " How did you do it being a mother working sometimes I feel like I am going to be a bad mother to my own kids." She looked at me and hugged me and said: " You are not going to be a bad mother don't let what Bella said, get in your head you want to know why I think you will make a great mother." I looked at her and said: " Why do you think I would be a great mother it's not what Bella said I just feel like when they get here I won't be ready." My mom looked at me and said: " I learned a long time ago you can't do it all alone before you got her I was so scared I knew how to take care of a boy I took care of your uncle but I had never taken care of a girl into you I thought I was always going to mess something up like I would drop you or leave you on the sofa and you were so small that scared me to bu you know what helped." I looked at her and said: " What momma." She looked at me and said: " Your Grandmother and your Uncle and Godmother helped me when no one else did even when your dad left and then when Alvin came into your life I felt like I could breathe I thought you were going to grow up with daddy issues and that scared me do you see where I am getting at." I looked at her and said: " No I don't momma." She looked at me and said: " Two things you need to know one it takes a village to raise a child and if you are not scared then you are not doing something right parenting is going to be scary there are so many things that can happen that's how you know you love your child when you are always scared when they walk out the door when they leave your eyesight you feel like you can't breathe that is how you know you are doing a great job and you have a whole town that is going to help you raise your babies I many you have the Cullen, Us, The Mikaelsons, The wolf pack, they will be there no matter what happens they will be there." I looked at her and hugged her and said: " Thank you so much." She looked at me and said: " I am your mother that is what I am here for. We go back to the house and we all watch a movie after the movie I and Carlisle were the first to go to sleep he looks at me and says " So your mother told me what you two talked about when you left and I just wanted you to know you are never going to do this only I will always be here we will do this together." I looked at him and said: " I know you will always be here I just need my mother's help." He kissed me and hugged me and we went to sleep we woke up the next morning and it was Bella's wedding she get ready Renee comes in the house and see me and says " Bella what is this whore doing here." Alice was bout to say something but I said: " She is getting married to my son Renee good to see the rotten apple doesn't fall far from the tree." She looked at me and said: " You married Dr.Cullen I bet his kids don't even like you." Before Rosalie could say anything Emment comes in and says " Momma, dad said he needs to talk to you about something." I looked at him and said: " Tell your dad I will be right there and don't you dare tell Edward what Bella's wedding dress looks like." He smiled and walked out I looked at Rosalie and Alice and they said they were good and hugged me and I went to see Carlisle and I say " What do you need My king." He looked at me and said: " Nothing, My queen I just heard Renee talking and I thought it would be a good time to get you out of there." I looked at him and kissed him and said: " Thank you, My King she can be a pain in the ass sometimes." They laughed at me and Bella's wedding starts we sat there for like 30 or 40 minutes waiting for her to get done when she was done we went and got our bags told everyone goodbye and we left we all got to the airport we all said goodbye to each other and we got on our planes and I looked at Carlisle and said: " Finally some only time with my husband." He looked at me and kissed me and said: " That sound perfect my beautiful wife."  As I was about to go to sleep he looked at me and said: " Look out your window my queen." I looked out the window and see this. 

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