Chapter Four: The Only Family I Have

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As I wake up I see Carlisle in my bed I turn and look at him thinking he is asleep but he opens his eyes and I jump and say " You scared me I thought you were asleep." He looked at me and laughed and said " Your mom walked in the room I didn't want her to kick me out so I acted like I was sleeping but she knows we don't sleep and she said she wouldn't ever kick me out and she said over the time I been sleeping in your bed you don't get up in the middle of the night." I look at him and cuddled into him I get my phone and looked at the time and get up and say " It is 11:00 don't you have work I need to go see Charlie he wants me and Sophie to be there when she gets here." Carlisle gets up and hugs me from behind and says " Yes I have work but I don't have to get into tomorrow your sister filled in for me I can take you and Sophie to Charlie it's on my way to the house ." I look at him smiling and hugging him and kissing and saying" No you're good we need a way to get back and I am only 17 and Charlie is a cop so." He looked at me and says " You will be 18 in two months and I am good with Charlie and your mom is ok with it so he can't do anything and I will bring you both back home before I go to the house." I go and wake up Sophie telling her what time it is she goes and gets ready and leaves Jeremy to sleep after I got out of the shower I go and out this on 

" I go and wake up Sophie telling her what time it is she goes and gets ready and leaves Jeremy to sleep after I got out of the shower I go and out this on 

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Carlisle looks at me and says " You look really good in that dress I want to take it off you." He says that and comes and kisses me he moves down my neck and he kisses my sweet spot and I moan as he picks me up Sophie walks in and says " Two things, we need to go because I want to get back in the bed with Jermey and Two don't  do that with the door open other people live here to and if mom sees that she may take his head off."  We look at her he puts me down and rubs the back of his neck I look at him and laugh he looks at me and says " What are you laughing at." I look at him and say "you don't have to get red in the face you just rub the back off your neck when you get nervous." He looks at me smiles and kisses me and we go get in the car as we are diving to Charlie's house I look behind me and say " No matter what Bella says don't lose your cool, ok you know she will try you so just let her talk." As we get there Charlie and Bella pull up at the same time we got out of the car Carlisle helped me and my sister out of the car I kiss him and go and hug Charlie he looks at me and says " I miss you a lot you have grown a lot so have you, Sophie, how are you girls Bella is here." Sophie gives Charlie a hug and I go talk to Bella and she says " Who is that guy that came with you and Sophie he's hot." Before I could say anything I feel a wave of calm hit me and I knew Carlisle was behind me I look and he says" I'm her boyfriend." She looks at me and says " No he's not I mean like he's 25 and your 17 ooh if you don't break up with him I will tell my dad." She said with a smirk Carlisle looked mad and shocked that she could do something like that I looked at him and kissed him when I turned to Bella she looked mad and I said " You can tell your Uncle Charlie I will be 18 In two months and my mom knows and she fine with it and here I thought you were a nice person but your still a bitch." I look at her as she walked to Charlie and said " You know Keyvon is dating a 25-year-old man and she is only 17 that is illegal." She smiled and Charlie frowned and said " I know she is dating Carlisle her mother and sister called and said they were ok with it they called and told me because they know you would do something like this." She look at him and frowned and look at me and said " Why do you have everything I bet he is only with you for sex." I looked at her and said, " Two things, we are not having sex, and two I have everything because I'm not a bitch and I work my ass off." He looked at me and kissed me and she looked at me and said " I am going into my room to unpack Carlisle can you help me." I look at her and as I'm about to jump on her I feel myself in the air and as I am being put down on the ground I feel a kiss that was raw and lustful after that he pulled away and I looked at Bella and said: " You try to make a pass at him again and I will cut out your tough." He looked at me and rubbed my back and Charlie looked at me like I'm crazy he looked at me and she says " You won't hurt me as long as my dad is her." I look at her and say " I care about him not you and I guess you forget that." She looks at me scared and Charlie says " Don't ever say that to her again." I looked at him shocked that he would say that to me but again it is his daughter so I let it go and say " Keep her in line and we won't have a problem and if I were you I would tell her not to flirt with peoples boyfriends that's how fight happen and I am not getting in fights for her anymore this is not middle school she is on her own." He looks at me shocked and says " You won't help your cousin if she gets into a fight I thought we were family." I look at him with nothing but rage in my eyes " I don't know what happened after my mom go on to Bella at my birthday party but she was a bitch to me ever since then but she stop being family when she tried to hurt Sophie." She looks at me and smiles and says " The bitch needed to die." Carlisle was holding me in one arm and Sophie in any other and I think he call Jeremy so he can come and watch Sophie because I am already a hand full I look at Bella a say " You tried to stab my sister because she wouldn't give you her birthday money and because a boy you liked wanted her and not you." Carlisle looks shocked and almost lets Sophie go but when she does get out of his hands Jermey grabs he she looks like she wants to rip her hand off and she is not the only one Bella looks at Jeremy and says " Hey I'm Bella and what is your name handsome." Sophie tries to jump at her but he has a strong hold on her waist and kisses her and Bella screams and says " Why did these two bitchs get the hot guys they are fat and ugly I am the pretty one." I lost my cool and I bite Carlisle on the neck not hurt but I know he would let go and when he did I run I know Carlisle was fast but he had to run and get me at human speed or people would start getting ideas when I get to her I slap her hard in the face and she falls that when Carlisle came a grab me and pulled me away and tried to calm me down and she says " You hit me because you know I am right he will never love you " I look at her and I heard this voice in my head telling me to kill her but I just say " You think that's why I hit you no bitch that's not why I hit you that was for trying to kill my sister I don't need to hit you for Carlisle because soon I will know what his tough can do you never will know bitch." Charlie looks at me shocked and says " You need to stay away from my house and go back to your whore mother." This time Jeremy got to Charlie and punch him in the face and said: " If you ever talk about my mother-in-law again I will kill you." We all look at Jeremy and he says " What this family is rubbing off on me ok." I look at him and smile and then Charlie gets up and as he runs to hit Jeremy I hear someone yell stop we turn around to see Billy and Jacob and then Billy looks at Charlie and says " You would have hit him he is a teenage boy and you talked about his mother-in-law and you let Bella almost stab someone over money that was not her's and hey Keyvon and Sophie it has been a long time." Charlie looks at Billy shocked and said: " He hit me and Bella did not stab her she almost did and they hit Bella and did you know that Carlisle is dating Keyvon I thought you and the Cullens didn't like each other and he is dating your god daughter." He says trying to get himself in the clear but Jacob says " My dad would never be mad at Keyvon because she is dating someone he does not like and just because you told him that doesn't make you the good guy." Then Billy looks at Carlisle's neck and sees the bite mark and says " Carlisle who did that to your neck it looks bad." I looked at Billy and says " I tried to hit Bella for stabbing Sophie but he wouldn't let me go so I bite him and not that hard just so he would let me go." He looks at me and nods and then Billy says " I think me and Jake are going to go home but Bella this is your car Jake can you show her how to turn it on and then we will leave and Keyvon I think you need to go home and calm down before you hurt her." I looked at Billy and say " I am not leaving you here with them what if that hurt you just because you don't hate me I am not leaving you here I will go when you leave and Bella don't flirt with my god brother he is young but not dumb." she looks angry and I put up my middle finger and Sophie laughs when Jake is done they leave and I tell them they can watch the game at my house if they want to so they go to my house and Billy says " I can give them a ride back to there house if they need it and you need to go to work." Carlisle looks at Billy and says " Not I am going to take her to our spot to calm down and then I will take her home and I don't have work." Billy nods his head and gets in the car to go to our house and Sophie and Jeremy follow them to our house and we drive to our spot more like spots as Carlisle is driving he looks at me and says " Which spot do you want to go to the waterfall or the flowers." I look at him and say " Can we go to the waterfall water help me calm down a lot." He nods his head and we go to the waterfall as we are taking off our clothes he picks me up and puts me in the water with him I look into his eyes and I can see a little lust in his eyes so he looks away I look at Carlisle and I say " You got turned on when I was fighting  Bella didn't you." He looked at me and said, " No, I got turned on when took off the dress I wish you would have let me take it off for you." As he says that I feel his boner hit my stomach I look at Carlisle and he kisses me and I don't know what came over me I go and lick the bite mark on the side of his neck and he moaned and start to suck on the right side of my neck meaning sure not to put his fangs in my skin I start moaning and then Carlisle kisses the middle of my breast sucking on my breast to and leaving marks on my body I could feel myself getting wetter and Carlisle getting harder I moan and say " Carlisle if you don't want to take me now then we need to stop before we go too far." He looks at me and kisses me and says " Who said we were having sex like you said your going to see what my tough can do." As he says that he lays me on a rock and puts his face in my pussy and starts to eat me like crazy I was a moaning mess I was about to cum when I said " Please my King let me cum please I really need you to bit my cilt, please." He looks at me and says "Whatever you say, my Queen, your wish is my command." As he says that he bites my cilt a little and I cum as I am trying to catch my breath I see Carlisle jerking off trying to get his boner to go away I get up and get done on my knees and grab his boner and kitten lick the tip he eyes pop open and he says " My Queen you don't have to do that this was about pleasing you." I look at him and say " My King what if this does please me the taste of you." He looks at me and as he was about to say something I put him all the way down my throat into he hit the back of it and as I bobbed my head he moans and says " My Queen I'm coming I can't hold it anymore." I Move my mouth and start jerking him off and say " Who told you to hold back my King I want it all and I hate when you tell me no." I put him back in my mouth and I lick one long vein on his cock and then he pushes my head so he can be all the way down my throat and he cums he pulls out and I swallowed all of his cum and it tasted so good he grabs my neck and pulls me up and he says " This was only about you my Queen I could have waited." I looked at him and say " My King I wanted to taste your cum and I don't want those women you work with to see how big and long you are that is only for me no one else." He looks at me and picks me up and kisses me and says " Yes it's only your my Queen and it is ready when you are always." We look at the time and it's 11: 40 I look at  Carlisle and say " You know I love you right." I look at Carlisle and say " I love you to the moon and back." He looks at me and kisses me and says " To the moon and back." We put our clothes back on and we drive to my house when we get there I see everyone there and my mom has this crazy look in her eyes but before we can get out of the car Carlisle kisses me and I push him he looks hurt but I say " Have you never meet a black mother before if she catches us she will never let me out the house again." He looks at me and smiles and says " The windows are tented she can't see in the car." I look at him and I move in the car to get on his lap and kiss him with the hungry of a wolf I know mother elder said I would be a wolf but I had this hungry that wasn't for food but for him, he looks at me and grabs me face and says " If we keep this up your mother will open the door." I look at him and I get off him and I get the makeup wipe and put it on his face and say " You had my lipgloss all on your face didn't want them to see." He looks at me and says " If that scary's you then look at your neck in the mirror." I look in the car mirror and see a big purple hick on my neck I look and touch it and somehow I moan at the touch Carlisle comes up to me and moves my neck and licks it I moan and I could feel myself getting wet all over again as I was about to get on top of him he says" I would love to make love to you again my Queen but your family is waiting." I look outside and I see the Cullen family and I say " Looks like your family is waiting for you to my King." I do a spell to hide the mark and he gets out of the car and comes and helps me out of the car and says " There you go my Queen." I grab his hand and I look at him and say" Thank you, my King." I give him and hug and we go up to our family the next thing I know Edward says " Esme is back and she wants to talk to you I think you should leave Keyvon and be with a woman your own age." I look at Edward and as I am about to jump at him but Carlisle grabs me and gets by my ear and says " I will never let you go again remember that." Carlisle looks at Edward and says " I told you, Edward, that Esme is fine with me and Keyvon she found her mate and I found mine and she is happy for me." He looks at me and then at Carlisle and before he could say anything we hear a woman say " Edward Mason Cullen stop right now." I look at I guess that is Esme because Edward got silent really quick I look as she comes up to me and Carlisle pushes me into him like she was going to hurt me but I see her smile a good person smile and I felt like I could trust her so I grab Carlisle hand and she comes up to me and says " It is good to meet you and I am so sorry about Edward he just not use to this yet you know how it can be." I look at her and say " Yeah I never really liked my mom's boyfriends as a kid but as I got older I realized that what she does with her life is not my choice to make it all her's." She looks at me and nods my mother comes up to me and hugs me and says " I let you all talk so now it's my turn Keyvon are you ok Billy told me Bella hit you there inside watching the game and why did Billy tell me to keep you away for Carlisle." That's when I finally hit the breaking point of my anger and I say " Why does everyone keep telling Carlisle to stay away for me or that I should stay away from him they don't have a say in my life or how I live it they are not my mother she trusts him that all I care about I just got him back after so long that I can't even remember they need to stay out of my relationship all I want is to be happy I take care of everyone I have almost died some many times I can't even count I have put everyone before my self as always in my past life I was a queen I had no choice but to put myself last to never be happy I am not doing that again never again I am going to be happy with Carlisle and no one is going to take him away from me again." I feel really hot and I am shaking a lot and I hear a voice that is telling me to run and that I am too close to Carlisle so I let go of his hand and I run into the woods and the next thing I know I go to scream but I howl I look and I have white pows that looks like this 

" I feel really hot and I am shaking a lot and I hear a voice that is telling me to run and that I am too close to Carlisle so I let go of his hand and I run into the woods and the next thing I know I go to scream but I howl I look and I have whit...

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I see this black wolf and it says " Who are you and you can't be over there you need to come over here." I look at him and I say in the mind link " I am Billy's goddaughter and I can be over here I live here." I see Carlisle and I am scared that I will hurt him as he comes to me I move back and he says " It's ok I know you won't hurt me just please come to me and let me hold you." I walk up to Carlisle and he sits down by a tree and I put my head on his lap and he puts his hands in my fur and I calm down and in the mind link I hear " You can't be with a vampire get over here now I am your Alpha." I get up and Carlisle looks at me and I go back to where I was standing and sain the mind link " You are not my Alpha I am not a part of your pack I have my own pack and we have different rules I know how to change back now leave me alone." I go and sit with Carlisle again and I put my head in his lap again and he rubs my head I see a gray wolf look at me and he says " You are going to get yourself killed being with them please come with us KeKe." I know it was Paul because of the nickname I look at him and says " He won't hurt me he loves me and I love him we were made for each other." I look at Carlisle and I see us happy and the whole family was ok with this even Edward I was so happy the next thing I know I hear in the mind link " She imprinted on him we can't hurt him." And one of them says " She is not a part of our pack." And Sam says " She will be a part of our pack Keyvon we will talk to you tomorrow." They leave and I change back not seeing my family in the trees and I say " Carlisle do you think you could get me some clothes out of my room the window is open." He nods his head and goes and gets my clothes and within two seconds he is back and he says " Here are your clothes do you want to go to our spot." I look at him and I say " Maybe later I really want to meet Esme and her mate and my mom is probably worried so we need to get back to our family." He looks at me and kisses me and I put my clothes on and he puts me up and we vampire speed home when we get home my mom hugs me and she says " Are you ok did you get hurt are your bones hurting Billy said you would get really hot over the days and that you would need to stay in a few days."I look at mom and said, " Yeah I'm a little hot but Carlisle helps a lot and we may go to our spot later it will help me calm down." Esme looked at me and says " Why didn't you go to your spot before you got here." I look at her and I said " I knew my mom was worried so I came back to make sure she was ok and you wanted everyone to meet your mate and I am so sorry I got angry and turned into a wolf I didn't know that would happen." She looks at me and says " It's ok everyone goes throw something and it's not like you did it because you wanted to and you didn't hurt anyone you made sure everyone was safe everyone has met my mate but you two he'ß in the house he had to go to the restroom." Jeremy comes up to me and says " Your going to love this." I look at him like he's crazy because I have no clue what's going on the next thing I know I see someone I never thought I would see again after I left Mystic Fall I look behind me and see " Stefen Salvatore as I live and breath." He looked at me and everyone looked at us like we were crazy. 

                                                                      To Be Continued 

                                                                      To Be Continued 

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