chapter twenty-two

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October 1st, 2016 (photo above from day before)

Y/N: London, England

Camila: Zapopan, Mexico

Y/N tapped the icon to start Instagram Live. After the countdown, she waited as more people joined. She was currently sitting on the balcony of her hotel suite, Alexxis beside her just out of the view of the camera.

"Wassup?" She spoke to the viewers. "Firstly, I wanna say thank you guys for all the love on Tickets. It really means a lot." Y/N placed her hand over her heart as she spoke. "I stepped into a new sound for this one so thank you for sticking with me and loving it." She smiled. "Now that we're done with that sappy shit, let's get to these questions."

The day before, Y/N had tweeted out for people to send in questions about her album for her to answer on Instagram Live. It wasn't long before #AskY/N was trending. Alexxis spent the last night going through them along with Y/N's social media manager Joey and picked out some they thought were best.

Alexxis turned her phone to show Y/N the screen, where there was a screenshot of a tweet. Y/N read it aloud.

You have said before you've never written a love song. Does that mean songs like hangover cure are the first ones? #AskY/N

"Honestly, I wouldn't classify that as a love song. I've written much better ones. Ones that express more love than hangover cure did." She paused, thinking about how to explain. "I feel like hangover cure is more about me coming to realize that I need someone else. Like, I can't always be on my own. Like when you wake up after a night of partying and you feel like shit, but you have that person there with you, and it's like 'Oh, this isn't too bad.' It's like that feeling but for hard times in general. I hope that makes sense and I'm not just talking out of my ass right now," Y/N chuckled.  "But on the deluxe version of the album, there are a couple of songs I'd definitely consider love songs. 4 ever 4 me is one, for sure." She took a break to read the comments.

A couple stuck out to her.

kc1997ce_ hi my favorite human

kc1997ce_ i miss uuuuu

Y/N's face broke out into a large smile. "Hi, baby."

She watched the comments speed up, people wondering who she was talking to.

"Is she on your live?" Alexxis asked.


"On her verified?" She asked, quieter this time.

"No. She's on her private one."

"Oh, okay. Good." She sounded relieved.

Y/N rolled her eyes and asked for the next question. As she read it, she lit up a joint, letting it dangle from her lips as she read aloud.

was there any songs that didn't make the album that you wish did?

"No. Because every song I recorded made it onto the album. Which is rare, because I usually have like three albums worth of songs when I finish an album," she laughed. "But the time crunch and everything made me work that much harder and make the best music I could."

Alexxis waved to get her attention.

"Ariana collab." She mouthed.

"There, uh, was one song that has no lyrics really, but I reached out to Ariana about working on a song." The comments came flooding back in. "But, she was working on Dangerous Woman - great album, by the way, so go listen if you haven't - so, she was busy and shit. Maybe eventually though, for sure." Y/N glanced at Alexxis who was gesturing for her to keep going. Barely containing her eye-roll, she continued. "Uh, yeah, Ariana is just super fucking talented. She's one of my best friends and I love her to death. She's one of - if not the only person - I know I can count on." Y/N paused to take a breath and, in between the comments of fans freaking out about commenting her and Ariana's ship name, a few specific ones caught her eye.

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