chapter three

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A shrill ringing ripped me from my sleep, followed by a groan from the woman beside me. "Answer your fucking phone." She mumbled into her pillow.

I blindly reached over to the nightstand, my hand feeling around till it landed on the vibrating source of the sound. Grabbing it, I answered and held it up to my ear. "Yeah?" I grumbled, not even sure who was calling.

"Did you just wake up?" Dinah.


"Aw, sorry to wake you princess." I was just awake enough to notice the sarcasm but not awake enough to care. "You know we have studio time today?"


"Okay, cool. So you also know we have to be there for eleven?"

"Mhm." Sleep was pulling me back in, my body feeling heavy.

"Sweet. must also know that it's 11:30 right now?"

"What?" I quickly sat up, the sheet that was covering me falling, exposing my bare chest.

"That's what I thought. Get your big ass over here." Dinah grumbled, hanging up.

"Fuck." I muttered, quickly getting out of the bed.

"What is it?" Y/N asked. I looked over at her and smiled. Her face was pressed into the pillow as she laid on her stomach, her hands tucked under her pillow. Her eyes were barely open as she looked up at me.

"I was supposed to be at the studio a half hour ago." I informed her.

She quickly got out of bed and handed me some clothes from her dresser. "Here." I smiled and thanked her, going to the bathroom to get ready.

When I came back out, Y/N seemed to be much more awake now. She was almost completely dressed. "Morning, gorgeous." She came over, kissing me, before playfully smacking my butt.

"Morning." I swallowed harshly as I watched her. I had told myself this would probably be nothing but a one night stand, but with how she was acting now...I wasn't so sure.


It's been about three weeks since I last spoke to Y/N. She dropped me off at the studio and left. I really didn't know what to say so I had just awkwardly waved and left the car. Since then, I sent her a few texts but she hasn't responded so I stopped trying.

We had an album release party to attend tonight for Ariana and honestly, I just wanted to stay home and lay in bed overthinking why I even imagined Y/N would actually want to do more then fuck. She made it really clear that was her intention and I just let myself believe she'd change her mind.

As we walked into the large beach house rented by Ariana's team, bright lights shone down on us. Ari was known to put on good parties and everyone here seemed to be having a great time. We walked in and glanced around before the woman of the hour came barreling over to us. "Hey, guys!" She exclaimed, pulling us all in for a quick hug. "I'm so glad you came! The bar is right through there by the kitchen." She pointed behind her.

"Thanks, girl. And congratulations!" Dinah told her, already making her way through the crowd. The other three girls followed and I hung back to talk to Ariana since I hadn't seen her in a long time.

She immediately brought me in for another hug, placing a quick kiss on my cheek. "Ugh, I missed you so much, Mila."

"I missed you too! Congratulations on the album!" I told her with a smile. I was in a bad mood but I was still happy to see one of the only genuine friends I've made in the industry, outside of the other girls, of course.

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