chapter five

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Camila hugged her mom tightly as she walked into the girls' house. "Hi, mami." She sighed, letting herself relax in her mother's hold.

"Hi, mija. I missed you." She placed a kiss on her forehead and pulled away moving to hug the other girls who greeted her as well. "I'm gonna go unpack my things." She told them. Camila followed her, carrying her suitcase.

When they made it to the guest room, she lifted the suitcase onto the bed and sat beside it. "So, I have good news." She bit her lip trying to suppress her smile.

"Oh?" Sinu raised an eyebrow as she unzipped her luggage.

"I'm going on a date tonight." Camila told her, her smile breaking out across her face, unable to be contained anymore.

"¿Es con Lauren?" Sinu asked as she started putting her clothes away. (It's with Lauren?)

"What? No it's not—no." Camila was somewhat taken aback by the question. "With Y/N." She clarified.

"Oh, okay." She nodded. Seemingly fine with leaving the conversation there.

"I finally talked to her about everything last night and she agreed to go out with me." Camila added, hoping for a bigger reaction.

"That's good, mija."

"Okay, what is it?" Camila sighed.

"No confío en ella." Sinu told her, turning around to face Camila. (I don't trust her)

"You don't even know her." Camila snapped back, clearly upset with her mother's quick judgement. "She's really sweet. And, and I really like her."

"Ella te ha usado antes." Sinu didn't seem phased at her daughters small outburst. (She's used you before)

"Well when you meet her you'll see." Camila crossed her arms. "She's picking me up tonight. And she didn't use me."

"Okay. I'll talk to her."

"Don't interrogate her please."

"Sin promesas." (No promises)


Y/N walked up to the front door and knocked a few times. She shoved her hands into her pockets as she waited for Camila to open the door.

To her surprise, an older woman opened the door instead. Her lips were pursed and she seemed wholly disinterested in whoever was at the door. "I'm here to pick up Camila." Y/N told her, ready to be away from this lady who kinda scared her.

"I'm here!" She heard from within the house. Camila ducked under the woman's arm which was propped against the door. "I'm here, hi." She smiled. Y/N smiled back, looking at her outfit. She wore light blue skinny jeans and a lace crop top. "This uh, this is my mom." She introduced the woman who was still shooting daggers at Y/N.

"Oh, hello." Y/N nodded towards her.

"Hi." She sent back shortly.

"Okay well, now that you've met, we're gonna get going." Camila looked extremely uncomfortable. "Bye, mami. Don't wait up." She kissed her cheek and grabbed Y/N's arm to pull her away from the house. "Te amo!" She yelled back.

"I don't know about you but I got the vibe that she really likes me." Y/N joked after the both were in the car.

"I'm sorry," Camila sighed, tossing her head back against the head rest. "She's just overprotective sometimes."

"That's alright. I don't mind." Y/N smiled as she pulled away from the house. She placed her hand on Camila's thigh respectfully as she drove.

The ride was fairly quiet, but didn't last too long. Camila looked out of the window as the pulled off the highway. She looked around and noticed that the neighborhoods gradually looked more and more rough. "Where are we going?" She asked, a little nervous.

"You'll see." Y/N smiled. "We're almost there." She glanced over and must have noticed Camilas nerves. With a gentle squeeze of her thigh she told her: "Trust me."

And Camila did.

Eventually, Y/N parked in front of a large watertower and got out of the car. She walked around to open the door for Camila and helped her out. "I'm confused." Camila laughed.

"Come on," Y/N led her towards the ladder that climbed the side of the large structure. "Go on." She nodded towards it.

"You mean climb it?" Camila looked at her like she was insane.

"Yes," Y/N laughed, causing Camila to smile. "Climb it."

And Camila did.

Once they were both at the top, Y/N carefully led her to a specific spot and sat down, her legs dangling off the side. Camila gently sat beside her, wary of how high up they were. "I grew up here." Y/N started. "About five minutes away from this watertower. I used to come up here a lot. See those lights?" She pointed over the trees to where bright lights shone up and lit up the sky. Camila nodded. "That's L.A. Well Hollywood." Y/N told her. "I would look out at those lights for hours and just dream about making it as a musician." Camila felt her heart leap a little as Y/N divulged this information.

"And you did. You made it." Camila smiled.

"Yeah," Y/N sighed. "I always thought...I don't know what I thought. I guess I always thought I'd know when I'd made it. I just feel the same. The same as that kid who sat up here and dreamed."

"When I auditioned for The X Factor," Camila started. "I expected that once I got signed I'd feel this immediate switch where I'd be this confident musician ready to make my way in the industry. But I remember signing the contract and feeling just as insecure and scared as I did before. I didn't expect to still feel..."

"Human." Y/N finished. "Me too. I still have all the scars and pain from before. The only difference is how many people can see my pain now." Y/N started picking at her nails, the black polish flaking off and fluttering down to the ground below. "I'm grateful for it all. So fucking grateful. I just know now that there's no such thing as 'making it'. At least not how I imagined."

"I get it." Camila reached over and grabbed Y/N's hands, stopping her fidgeting as she interlaced their fingers. "No one tells you life is just as hard with fame as it is with out."

Y/N looked over at her and stayed silent. She seemed to be thinking. Or realizing something. A few moments past, and she was leaning in slowly, her hand cupping Camila's cheek. She paused slightly before closing the gap between them.

She kissed her so softly, so carefully. It was so unbelievably different from all the other times they'd kissed that Camila felt like she might fall off the ledge. When she pulled away, she kept her hand on Camila's cheek, looking into her eyes as Camila opened them. Y/N saw the look of awe on Camila's face and laughed lightly. "It's not like I've never kissed you before."

"You've just never kissed me like that before." Camila breathed out. Y/N smile fell as she took in Camila's features. "Do it again." She whispered.

And Y/N did.

(a/n): i planned this out SOO long ago LMAO. i did some research on places in LA that would fit y/n's back story (which will slowly be revealed)

i hope you all enjoyed this chapter :) I had fun writing it

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thanks for reading ❤️

p.s. I don't speak Spanish so if anything is off I apologize

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