chapter eight

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"Excuse me?" A voice sounded from behind Y/N as she waited for her food to come out. Camila and her wanted to have a nice Italian dinner but they couldn't exactly go out, so they decided to just get it to go. "Are you Y/N L/N?" The voice continued.

Y/N turned around with a smile. "Hey, yeah. That's me." The owner of the voice smiled widely and the person beside her began to shake slightly. "How are you guys?"

"Uh...we're good." The second person's voice trembled. "We're really big fans of yours."

"Aw, thank you. That means so much." Y/N replied, placing a hand over her heart.

"Can we get a picture?" The first girl asked.

"Oh, absolutely!" Y/N stood in between them as one of then took a few selfies. "Are you guys enjoying your dinner?" Y/N asked, genuinely wanting to carry on some sort of conversation with these two.

"More so now." One laughed.

Before Y/N could reply, the waitress came back with a take out bag. "Y/N? I have your order." She smiled politely.

"Thank you." She replied, grabbing the bag "Oh, also, do you happen to have any bananas? I just need a couple. I can pay for them." The waitress looked slightly confused but, nonetheless, she nodded and went to retrieve them. Y/N turned back towards the two fans to see them looking at her with the same confused look as the waitress had before. "It's for my girlfriend. Don't ask." Y/N laughed.

"Aw, that's cute! Is this for like a date night?"

"Yeah, it is." The waitress came back with two bananas in tow, handing them to Y/N.

"Free of charge." She smiled.

"Oh, thanks. Have a great night." Y/N looked towards the girls again, giving them each a hug before bidding them farewell and leaving the establishment.


Y/N walked in the house after putting the code in to unlock the door. She rounded the corner to the kitchen, finding Camila at the kitchen table, on her phone. "Hey, pretty girl." She smiled, putting down the bag on the island and pulling out their food.

"Hey." Camila smiled, sitting up straighter and putting her phone away. She stood and walked over to the island, herself. She wrapped her arms around Y/N, placing a kiss on the back of her shoulder. "I missed you." She mumbled into her shirt.

"I missed you." Y/N turned around, kissing her lips. "God, what have I turned into." She joked.

"It's cute. You're cute." Camila told her, moving to grab the container with her food.

"Oh, also...because I'm the best girlfriend..." She grabbed the bananas that had fallen to the bottom of the bag, holding them up with a smile. Camila didn't say anything and just but her lip through a smile of her own. "What? I figured cause you ran out, I'd grab a couple so you have some before we can get more—"

"It's not the bananas. I love the bananas, thank you." Camila reassured her. "It's just that you called me your girlfriend."

"Oh...yeah, I did. I mean, you are, right?"

"I don't know, am I?" Camila challenged.

"If you want to be."

"I guess I'm okay with that."

"Good, because I've been thinking of you as my girlfriend for a little while now." Y/N winked.


Y/N stripped off her clothes and stepped into the shower, wrapping her arms around Camilas bare back. "There you are." Camila smiled. "I was starting to think you were gonna leave me in here alone."

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