chapter one

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Camila's POV

I stumbled out of the limousine that was parked in front of the Blue Fire Nightclub, where the iHeartRadio Music Awards after party would be held. "Let's get this party started!" Dinah yelled in my ear, slinging her arm around my shoulder. "You okay?" She asked me, knowing I wasn't a huge fan of clubs or parties.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I gave her a small smile as we entered the club. I kept my eyes on the ground, watching myself to make sure I didn't trip.

Lauren found an empty table near the middle, next to the window. The chairs were rather high, and covered in black leather. I sat on the end, finally looking out at all the people. My eyes travelled all across the room until, eventually, landing on a booth in the back corner of the club. I gulped when I saw her. Y/N L/N.

She was sitting with one leg bent on the booth, her elbow resting on her knee. The hand on her opposite arm was wrapped around a clear glass cup, filled with a dark brown liquid. I bit my lip as I stared at her, my eyes trailing up and down her bare arms, covered with black ink. Her shirt was made of the same material as the chair I was sitting in, the center was ripped but being held together by safety pins, giving it a damaged look. Her black jeans were ripped at the knee, giving me a small glimpse of the tattoos on her legs. Her combat boots matched her shirt and looked brand new.

"Hey!" Dinah yelled from across the table, kicking my shin.

"Ow! What the fuck, Dinah?" I reached down, rubbing my bare leg.

"Go say 'hi' instead of just staring, you weirdo." She told me, causing the other girls to snicker.

"No! Why would she want to talk to me of all people?" I asked, taking a glass of champagne from a tray that was brought by the table.

"Girl, stop. You know you're hot as shit." Normani tried to boost my confidence but Y/N had a vibe that would make anyone feel self conscious. "Plus you've been crushing on her forever."

I looked away from the girls and over my shoulder to Y/N. She lifted her glass to take a sip and I watched her swallow the dark liquid before putting down her glass. Her eyes met mine and I felt my heart drop to my stomach. I could not look away, especially as she seemed to look me up and down as best she could, a smirk adorning her face. Her tongue poked out to slowly lick her bottom lip and I felt my body heat up.

Someone at her table must have said something to her because she looked away from me and back to her friends. I gulped as I looked back to the table. "Did I just imagine that?" I asked. The girls all shook their heads, smirking at me. With a blush, I drank all the champagne in my glass and tried to flag down the waiter for another.

By the end of the night, my neck was sore from looking behind me so much. I couldn't help it, every time I would look at her, she would be looking at me with that damn smirk. I was so on edge just by her looking at me like she was.

When she stood from the booth and put down some cash on the table, my heart clenched. If she leaves now, I probably won't see her until the next awards show. She walked towards the bar and handed the bartender some money as well, saying something to him before looking towards me again. My heart sped up as she came walking over.

I bent forward, leaning in towards the girls. "Is she coming over here?" I asked as soft as I could. They all subtly gave me a look that told me she was.

I jumped slightly when I felt her place her hand on my lower back. Due to my backless dress, her skin was pressed against mine. I could just barely feel the callouses on her fingertips. Her other hand came around and tucked a piece of paper into my hand as she leaned in. "Have a good night, gorgeous." She rasped in my ear before sliding her hand slightly lower and then removing it completely. She smirked and walked out of the bar as I sat in shock, my hand gripping the small piece of paper way too tightly, scared of losing it.

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