
Start from the beginning

riven pulled from the hug and turned to sky. "yeah i tried there in case but her door was locked, i was literally banging on the door." he turned back to faye. "how didn't you hear me?"

"i don't know, i've never been a deep sleeper." faye answered, she was quite confused because she didn't hear a thing.

"i'm just glad you're okay." he smiled down at the girl. "there's more burned one's and me and sky were getting worried."

sky walked over to faye, hugging her. "we tried calling and texting like a hundred times, terra was the last person who saw you and that was like nine hours ago." he told her.

"my phone was dead and my chargers here." faye told him. "i'm sorry, i didn't mean to worry you both." she apologised, looking at the ground.

"it's alright, you're safe that's all that matters." sky smiled, hugging faye tightly.

the two pulled away, sky leant down and kissed the girl on her head. "my little sister." he smiled.

"you're a year older than me, shut up." faye laughed nudging the boy. "anyways, i'm going to bed see you tomorrow."

"but you've literally been asleep for like nine hours?" riven said with confusion. "how are you still tired?" he asked.

faye shrugged and went into riven's room.

"she may as well live here at this point." sky laughed.

"pretty sure she already does, she just didn't tell us." riven added.


faye was currently walking through the hallways of alfea, doing nothing specific, just walking. the girl felt a mass amount of peace and safety now that blake was gone, she felt free.

the girl had gotten a text from terra, she said her and aisha were going to stop bloom from doing something, god knows what because she was very vague. so, faye met up with terra and aisha at the east wing and they waited from bloom.

"i'm so confused right now." faye whispered.

aisha shushed the girl making faye pull a face.

they saw bloom turn around the corner, bloom looked straight ahead towards two specialists who were guarding the area where beatrix was being kept.

bloom pulled out her phone and that was when the three girls went up to her.

"he's not coming." terra told bloom.

"what the hell are you doing, bloom?" aisha asked pulling her into the garage next to them, terra and faye followed.

"breaking beatrix out?" aisha asked, but it was more of a rhetorical question.

"dowling has been lying to me." bloom replied quietly. "everyone here is lying. you guys don't know what i know."

"we do." aisha said.

"i don't." faye awkwardly spoke.

aisha sent faye a look, making faye roll her eyes.

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