65. To Have and to Hold Back

Start from the beginning

"Yeah, all set," Bella answered.

"And the-- the signing table?"

"Yep, it's all here," Rikki replied.

"Everything's ship shape," I assured Cleo as she attempted to distract herself by focusing on the wedding.

"Cleo!" Lewis spoke up as he made an appearance, "We should talk!"

"Not now," she brushed him off and turned to the rest of us, "Let's go everybody, we've got a wedding to put on." 

Wanting to keep her happy, I went with Rikki and Bella to get dressed.


After dressing up and with everything in order, I took my seat next to my family. I learned from Cleo that Lewis was the best man. Both Cleo and Kim were the bridesmaids. Though I could tell Kim wasn't too thrilled about the massive changes in the Sertori family. I had to guess she was nervous about having Samantha in her life. 

The ceremony started. I could tell Cleo was trying to be extra happy, but on catching sight of Lewis, her expression turned sullen.

During the speech and Lewis's cue to bring out the rings, he opened them and revealed that they were gone. Cleo accused him of misplacing the rings and ruining the day any further and wished he would do whatever he wanted and leave.

Lewis expressed that he chose not to go telling Cleo that he couldn't leave her. He added that he loved her.

"Finally!" Grandpa cheered happily. 

When Cleo and Lewis got back together, Grandpa was set on celebrating.

Mr. Sertori asked to resume the rest of the ceremony despite the missing rings. Just as it continued, the sprinklers suddenly turned on. I ended up getting squirted.

"Zoey!" Patrick gasped at seeing what was happening that he pulled me quickly over to Cleo, Rikki, and Bella as they were in the same predicament. Lewis, Zane, and Will were also herding them over to a safe area before the ten-second mark.

Once the other girls and I were inside the cafe, our tails sprouted and we timbered over.

"What happened then?" Bella wondered.

"Kim," Cleo answered knowing her sister didn't want the wedding to happen.


The wedding ended up postponed. The guys guarded the cafe to give the girls and me time to change back. Cleo was still determined to help get the wedding back on track.

I arrived at the Sertori house along with Patrick, Rikki, Bella, and Will just as Cleo and Lewis confronted Kim about the missing rings. 

"I know what's going on, Kim," I began, "It's okay to be nervous of lifechanging events, especially of accepting a new parent."

"Really?" she inquired sounding surprised.

"Yeah. When my dad remarried, I was at first nervous of how I would react to my stepmom while around her. Though I saw how she made him happy and she's chill. You probably have seen how Sam makes your dad happy. It'll take time to get to know her. It's a whole new chapter for all of you guys. I mean both Sam and your mom are important in your lives."

Kim nodded as if I filled in the blanks. Cleo smiled, thanking me for getting through to her younger sister.


Once again, the wedding went on. This time, it was on the beach of Mako Island and it was more simplified. Not a lot of guests, but only close friends and family.

Bella performed a song just as Mr. Sertori and Samantha arrived on shore along with Lewis. I sang along with her. After the song, I heard Samantha tell Mr. Sertori that it was perfect, and the ceremony started.

All of us applauded after the couple said their vows and kissed. It brought me back to Dad and Fiona's wedding.

During the reception, Cleo and Lewis went off to talk, which I figured it had something to do with his scholarship and his departure. Like Grandma had told me, he wouldn't be away forever.

Later, after the majority left the island, it was just Cleo, Bella, Rikki, and me, along with Will and Patrick saying goodbye to Lewis knowing that he would be taking off for the US first thing.

Cleo started crying as she hugged Lewis and then nodded at him trying to put on a brave face. Lewis turned to head for his boat and shook hands with Will and Patrick. Once Lewis was in his boat, the guys pushed it out into the water. He waved at all of us before starting the motor. Rikki, Bella, and I stepped over to Cleo. Both Rikki and I pulled her into a hug just as the waterworks resumed once again.

"You okay?" Rikki asked gently.

"He's gone," Cleo sobbed and then taking a deep breath to see Lewis leaving the island, "But at least we'll be looking at the same ocean."

"He will be back," I told her repeating Grandma's words, "It's not forever."

Cleo smiled at me as all four of us girls got into a comforting group hug.

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