"Ok, I'll tell the others that you said 'hey'."


After shutting off Skype, I made sure that I had what I needed for school before heading out.

"Heard you talking in there," Dad commented as I arrived in the main room and kitchen, "Was it Em?"

"Yep," I nodded as Grandma handed me a breakfast plate, "I got up early to talk with her."

"How is she?" Grandma wondered.

"She's doing well. She and her folks are in Copenhagen."

"Did they eat any Danish rolls?" Grandpa perked up on hearing it.

"They did. Em told me Elliot couldn't get enough of the one with chocolate," I grinned, "Though I'm certain their parents are gonna have him refrain from having any chocolate for a while."

"Reminds me of my addiction to black licorice," Dad chuckled.

"It turned your tongue and lips black," Grandma turned to him smiling as if recalling the memory.

"I didn't know you were hooked on that stuff," I glanced at Dad as I ate my breakfast.

"I was a tacker. About four or five at the time," he pointed out.

"Does Fi know about it? If not, better tell her before the last minute."

"She already knows. Fi has an addiction to the smell of eucalyptus."

"So that's what I keep smelling in her car! Plus, eucalyptus has a calming effect on people who are stressed easily."

"Too right," Grandma nodded, "I find it to be refreshing."

That second, the doorbell rang. I excused myself to answer it. On opening the door, I saw that it was Bella. I had given her my address since she was still new to the Gold Coast if she decided to drop by the house.

"Hey Bells," I smiled at her, "Set for school?"

"Yep," she nodded.

"Is it one of the girls, Zoey?" Grandma called out.

"Yeah, it's Bella," I replied.

"The new Emma," Grandpa remarked.

Due to the pain medication he had to take, Grandpa sometimes got confused. When I introduced Bella to him, Grandpa got her mixed up for Emma. It would take a while for him to know who's who.

"Sorry about my grandpa," I apologized to Bella, "He's on some meds that makes him loopy."

"Oh, no worries," she shrugged.

Grandma took to Bella at once after meeting her. On learning that her parents were often preoccupied with their jobs and that she didn't have any close friends due to moving a lot for her dad's job in hotel management, Grandma let Bella know she was welcome to drop by the house at any time. I let Bella know of Grandma's awareness of our secret and that she wouldn't repeat it to anyone. 


Bella and I met up with Cleo, Lewis, and Rikki on the way to school. Cleo expressed to all of us about her worries since the water tentacle attack and that she went back to avoiding the water like she was before we changed.

"You can't be scared of water your whole life," Rikki stated as we arrived at the school grounds.

"Ah, tell that to the water tentacle," Cleo remarked sarcastically.

"Well, I thought we agreed that it was only a full moon," Lewis pointed out.

"No, you agreed on that."

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