53. The Awakening

Start from the beginning

"Oh, I should be getting back to Lewis. He'll be wondering where I got to," Cleo stated as we picked up our beach towels before heading our separate ways.


After getting back home, I checked my laptop for any notifications from Emma, but there were none. Before she left with her family, we planned on updating each other on what went on in our lives. Cleo and Rikki agreed with it and often asked me about Emma's whereabouts as it appeared that I was the only one with a Skype account. 

"Anything from Em?" Grandpa wondered as he had his feet up on the recliner chair.

"Nope," I shook my head and closed my laptop shut.

Like the other girls and me, both Grandpa and Grandma missed Emma. Whenever I check my inbox for notifications, they'd ask me for any updates on the Gilbert family and if Emma and I happened to be Skyping each other, my grandparents would want to talk with her also.

That second, Dad entered through the front door along with Fiona, his girlfriend. They had met just before summer started. Fiona reminded me of Mom in personality as I got to know her. Grandma and Grandpa liked her the minute she was introduced to them. Dad felt ready to start a relationship with another woman, though he never forgot Mom. Fiona had assured me that she respected my relationships with my family and that she wouldn't replace my late mother.

Fiona grew up in Tasmania in a town called Penguin, which I found to be a cute name for a town since it was known to be the home of the blue penguin, one of the smallest penguins in the world. She lived in Hobart for a while before relocating to the Gold Coast. 

"Hey, Fi," I smiled at her.

"Hi, Zoey," she nodded happily at me.

"Hey don't forget your old man," Dad joked.

"I thought I was the only old one here," Grandpa teased.

"Oh you two," Grandma shook her head smiling at them.

"No worries, Dad, I didn't forget ya," I grinned at him.

"I know," he nodded.

"So, any word from your globetrotting mate?" Fiona wondered as she sat next to me on the sofa and noticed my laptop.

"Nothing yet," I replied, "When I talked with Em last, she and her folks were in Scotland."

"I bet they're touring the castles as we speak."

Fiona had some close friends who went on a backpacking trip to a few countries. She once took a backpacking trip to Thailand and had a blast. Her favorite part was visiting the elephant sanctuary. 

That second, the notification on my phone went off. I excused myself and checked to see that it was a text from Rikki informing me that later on in the evening was the grand opening of a new cafe called Rikki's. It turned out Zane bought the old building that used to be the JuiceNet and had been remodeling it. Wilfred had moved out of town which explained why the cafe had been shut down for some time. I missed heading there with the others. 

Even though it was a full moon night and we had braved it a few times, I was eager to be at the cafe to support Rikki who was named as Zane's partner in the business. As of late, I found out that my friends and I developed an immunity to the full moon, making me glad that we wouldn't have to worry about falling under the moon spell once a month.

"Was it one of the girls?" Grandma wondered.

"Yep," I nodded.

I told Grandma about the grand opening of Rikki's new cafe despite it being the full moon. She agreed for me to go and support Rikki. 

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