45. The Gracie Code Part One

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"Do you mind?" Rikki asked and turned the laptop towards her.

"That name sounds familiar," Patrick pointed out.

"What do ya mean?" I wondered.

"My late gramps used to hang out with some bloke named Max back then."

Rikki pressed a few buttons, "Is that a Max K. Hamilton?"

"Yeah, how'd you know?" Lewis asked.

"Online directory. There's his address."

Rikki turned the laptop back towards Lewis.

"He's living right here on the coast," Lewis remarked excitedly, "Guys, this is brilliant. I'll talk to you later." He put the laptop away and got up to leave in a hurry.

"Let me go along with you," Patrick offered and followed him out, "I'll call ya, Zo."

Patrick informed me later on that he and Lewis had managed to find Max Hamilton. When the guys mentioned Mako Island, the elderly man didn't say anything about it. I had a hunch Max knew more about what went on the island during the full moon. Patrick added that his late grandfather knew Max well, but distanced himself when the latter started becoming secretive.


The following day, Cleo and I met up and swam along the reefs of Mako Island. I came upon the dugong pod feasting on seagrass. When the calf saw me, it swam over and hugged me. It also hugged Cleo when she arrived.

Soon, we arrived at the moon pool and hoisted ourselves out. Our legs came back about a minute after getting out. I could tell there was something else on Cleo's mind. Even though I was curious, I didn't push it wanting to give her time whenever she felt ready to say something. I noticed Cleo's necklace was missing. She told me Lewis had taken it to get it repaired.

"Cleo?" someone called out from inside the cavern. 

Both of us turned and an elderly man was present. I wondered how he managed to get himself onto the island and find the cavern without injuring himself.

"Who are you?" Cleo wondered as both of us got back on our feet, "How do you know my name?"

"Um, Cleo, Zoey, this is Max," Lewis explained as he and Patrick arrived seconds after him.

"What's going on, Lewis?"

"Pat?" I asked turning to him though I could only guess it was the same gentleman who researched the planetary effects on Mako Island like Lewis had been doing, and the one whom Patrick's grandfather used to hang out with back in the 50s.

"He-- he kind of-- he fell in accidentally," Lewis stammered.

"No worries, no injuries," Patrick assured us.

"It hasn't changed," Max remarked glancing around the cavern and at the moon pool.

"You know this place?" I wondered.

"Oh, we used to come here all the time."

The elderly man turned to Cleo and me with a wondering expression, "So, what are you girls doing here?"

"I came to meet Lewis," Cleo replied, "We come here quite a lot."

"I was just here for the moral support," I nodded.

"Really? How did you two get here? I didn't notice any boats," Max inquired.

"Uh, a friend dropped us off," Cleo answered, "We came in a few minutes before you three did."

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