34. Wrong Side of the Tracks

Start from the beginning

On arriving at the moon pool to rest up, I was surprised to find Rikki at the edge of it with her back turned.

"Rikki?" I wondered after surfacing.

"Hey, Zo," she sighed glancing at me for a second, and turned back.

"Is everything alright? I mean, you don't have to tell me right away. Just take your time."

"I haven't been truthful to all of you, especially to Zane. If you knew where I come from, you'd hate me."

"Rikki, it doesn't matter what type of background any of us originate from, it's what makes each person interesting. I'm certain Zane sees beyond everything."

She gave me a small smile, "I hope you're right, Zoey."

That second, the water rippled a bit. I looked back and saw Cleo and Emma had surfaced.

"Rikki," Emma called out.

"Zoey? Is she all right?" Cleo wondered.

I didn't say anything wanting Rikki to be the one to speak for herself.

"It's fine," Rikki replied through a small sob. She went under the water for a second and came back up. She turned to the other girls, "What's happening?"

"Don't go all tough guy on us, Rikki," Emma suggested.

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"Well, Zane said--" Cleo started.

"You spoke to Zane?" Rikki asked cutting her off.

"He was really worried about you," Emma answered, "How long has he known?"

"I already told Zoey about him. I was going to tell you."

"Look, I'm not saying I think it's a good idea. You and him. But he was really worried about you."

"I just-- we're just so, so, so different."

"It doesn't matter if you're different. But if you can't be yourself around him, then you've got the problem."


Later, I was helping Grandma with putting together dinner. I could only hope Rikki was able to open up to Zane about herself.

"Is everything all right, Zo?" Grandma wondered.

"I think so," I nodded, "Say, Grandma, have you had a friend who didn't feel comfortable about opening up to you or any friends, but you were willing to give her time?"

"A lot of times. It takes a lot of patience. Was it one of the girls?"

I ended up telling Grandma about Rikki's being closed off from the other girls besides me, though the latter never said much to me even though she trusted me.

"From everything there, Rikki sees you as one of her closest mates and that she trusts you since you're not judgemental and you see beyond physical appearances," Grandma stated, "By the way, have you told Patrick yet?"

"Not yet. I'm not sure when. I'm afraid he won't like me after that," I replied.

"It won't matter to him. He already likes you for you."

Anything Grandma said was true. Since she was close friends with Patrick's grandmother, it was like she knew him well. I would soon talk to the other girls about including Patrick in everything.


The next day, Rikki contacted me inviting me over to her place for a BBQ. The invitation also included Dad, Grandma, and Grandpa. Grandma made a huge pavlova dish for everyone.

We got to the Chadwick residence which was in a trailer park at the same time as Emma, Cleo, and Lewis. It surprised me to see Zane operating the grill alongside a man who I guessed was Rikki's dad.

"Hey, Rikki," I smiled at her as all of us arrived.

"Hi guys," she grinned at us, "Thanks for coming."

"That's all right," Cleo nodded.

"We're all happy to be here sweetheart," Grandma smiled at Rikki.

"This is my place," Rikki gestured around her.

I saw the park had an amazing view of the marina. 

"Cool," Lewis nodded.

"Dad," Rikki called out.

Mr. Chadwick came over to us.

"This is Emma, Cleo, Lewis, and Zoey," Rikki introduced us, "And Zo's dad and grandparents."

"Nice to finally meet you all," Mr. Chadwick smiled at all of us as he shook each of our hands.

"You too," Lewis grinned.

"Rikki's such a wonderful girl," Grandma smiled.

"She's helped our little Zo make a lot of mates," Grandpa grinned.

"I can tell," Mr. Chadwick nodded at my grandparents and glanced at the rest of us, "Look, uh, make yourself at home, please."

As Cleo and Lewis seated themselves on a couch, Grandma placed the pavlova dish on a picnic table while Dad and Grandpa talked with Mr. Chadwick. I helped Rikki and Emma with the drinks. I glanced over at Cleo and Lewis for a bit as the wind started blowing a bit. Lewis pulled out his jacket and covered Cleo's shoulders as she appeared chilly. Despite them not being together, they were still close.

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