The next day, I found out Emma and Rikki had snuck into the dolphin lagoon and pulled a prank on Lewis at the ice cream stand with their powers. Lewis caught on to their scheme and reprimanded them. He told me during lunch break that he had no clue about Cleo getting fired in the first place. 


While heading for the kiosk stand to start my shift the day after, I found out from Mrs. Geddes and Laurie, one of the dolphin trainers, that Ronnie had gone missing. I was questioned by them when they asked me if I had seen anything out of the ordinary. I explained that I didn't and had been at the kiosk most of the time.

I wondered how the dolphin could have escaped unless there had been a breach in one of the pools. But then I remembered Emma and Rikki sneaking into it in their mermaid forms to give Lewis a hard time.

The worst part was Lewis was named the prime suspect since the surveillance footage showed him near the gate. Cleo was bound to get upset about everything, especially since she was fond of Ronnie. I contacted Rikki and Emma suggesting that they tell Cleo the truth, otherwise I would end up telling her everything even though I didn't want to since it was their story to tell and not mine.


Cleo approached me after talking with Lewis who was held up near Mrs. Geddes' office just as I was ending my shift.

"Zoey, did you know about Emma and Rikki letting Ronnie out of the pool?" she asked.

"I figured that it happened," I answered as I grabbed my bag from my locker, "I told them to tell you what they did and that if they didn't, I would tell you everything. Plus, I tried to talk them out of sabotaging Lewis' first shift. Should I have done something more, Cleo?"

"You did what you could. It would've been their own fault if they got caught."

I could tell Cleo wasn't mad at me. She was angry with Rikki and Emma over their actions. 

Cleo and I arrived at the cafe after she sent out a text to Emma to meet us there. We found both Rikki and Emma lingering by one of the trees waiting for us.

"We got your message," Rikki grinned at both of us.

"Is there anything you guys want to tell me?" Cleo asked starting to get mad.

"That top brings out the color in your eyes."

"You let Ronnie out!"

"We're sorry, Cleo," Emma apologized, "It was an accident, I promise."

"We didn't even know he followed us out," Rikki added.

"What were you doing there in the first place? Anyone could've seen you," Cleo pressed on.

"We just-- we couldn't let Lewis get away with taking your job."

"So, we went there to complicate things," Emma jumped in.

"He told me that he didn't have a clue about Cleo losing her position," I stated.

Though I could tell Rikki wasn't convinced of it. Emma looked like she was starting to feel bad for making things worse.

"Well, let's see. Ronnie's gone, and Lewis is in serious trouble. Is that complicated enough for you?" Cleo snapped at the other girls.

"And not to mention, the cops are involved," I added recalling Laurie telling me that Mrs. Geddes had called the police and having seen the uniformed authorities arrive at the park.


"We've already searched the reef," Rikki explained to Cleo and me.

"Then we'll search again," Cleo turned to her.

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