"Uh, the art room--," I pointed out not wanting to leave Charlotte lost.

"Don't worry. I'll find it," she assured us, "I'll see you around sometime."

"Yeah," Lewis nodded, "You got it."

As he had his arm around Cleo's shoulders, I inched away from them not wanting all of us to look weird.


"So, has anyone else had their powers go a bit too far?" Lewis asked the four of us sometime after arriving at the cafe after school and sat at one of the outdoor tables.

"Like what?" Rikki wondered.

"Have you done anything really extreme lately?"

"No," Cleo shook my head.

"I don't see what all of the drama's about," Rikki protested, "So what if we've got some new powers?"

"I haven't used mine since that day, especially since I almost destroyed my grandma's garden," I replied.

"Your powers have increased off the scale," Lewis informed us, "That last full moon had some very rare planetary alignments."

"Again with the planetary alignments?" Rikki frowned at him.

"It sounds more like the Convergence to me," I shrugged and sipped my strawberry peach smoothie still having my comic book nerd self on.

"It has to mean something. And until I figure out what, you need to learn some control," Lewis suggested to all of us, "You don't know what you're capable of."

"That's what's so cool," Rikki sighed.

"We may end up accidentally destroying something or hurting someone with our capabilities," I pointed out.

"Lewis and Zoey have a point," Emma agreed with him, "We need to be careful."

"That's why I need to measure the range of your new powers," Lewis added.

"Here we go again," Cleo rolled her eyes.

"I'll help you through this, Cleo. Don't worry."

"I'm not worried."

"Every step of the way, I'll be there."


I could tell Cleo was starting to get annoyed with Lewis. I knew he meant well, but would need to know when he went too far.

"I'm gonna get a juice," Cleo told all of us and left the table.

"I'll get it," Lewis smiled and followed her.

After a little bit, Cleo changed her mind as she grabbed her bag and left the cafe, wanting to be left alone for a while. I figured she was heading for the moon pool for some privacy.

"Want my advice?" Rikki asked as she stirred her smoothie as Lewis sat back in his seat, "Loosen the leash a little.

"I know you mean well, Lewis," I told him, "But there are times when you just have to let Cleo have some time to herself."

"But she needs my help, Zoey," he remarked not taking in Rikki's or my suggestion.

"Cleo knows how to get the hang of a lot of things. Don't underestimate her."


I swam past Rikki and Emma as we headed for Mako Island. I figured Cleo would be at the moon pool and decided to check on her as some time had flown by.

"There you are," Rikki remarked at Cleo who sat outside the pool as the rest of us surfaced.

"Figured you would be here," I told her as we swam toward the edge of it.

Waterworks (H2O Just Add Water) 🌊Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora